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Published June 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a day care center in New Albany, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a day care center.

Project estimate value maximum of $300,000. Lump Sum Bids will be received from General Contractors for all work for the Base Bid and all Alternates as shown on the Drawings and hereinafter specified and as set forth on the Contractors Bid Form. Contractor's sealed Bid Packages shall include the following properly executed documents submitted in triplicate: $ Indiana State Board of Accounts Form 96 (Parts I & II) $ Part III - Base Bid $ Part IV - Subcontractor Listing Form $ Contractor's Qualification Statement $ Bid Guarantee $ Contract Documents are available for all Contractors, SubContractors, and Suppliers after registration with the Architect either through electronic downloading at no cost or purchasing of printed documents from Don Meredith Reprographics. The cost of downloading, printing, shipping and handling will be the responsibility of the requesting party. All plan holders planning to submit a bid for this project are required to be registered with the Architect's office as plan holders Plan registration is accomplished by e-mailing the Project Manager. Email shall include Company name, address, phone number, contact name and e-mail of person responsible for receiving addenda or clarifications. Bidders, sub-contractors, or suppliers who obtain documents and do not register with the Architect's office will NOT receive updates or Addenda. The work for which bids are requested includes all labor, materials, equipment and items of materials and services required to provide the proper and complete construction of this project. The work shall be constructed in accordance with this Notice to Bidders, Project Manual, Drawings and Addenda, as prepared for this project. Bid and Bid Guarantees shall be placed in sealed envelopes and addressed to the Owner, the Board of Trustees, of the New Albany - Floyd County School Corporation, and shall list the name and address of the Bidder. Should any Bidder withdraw his bid or bids within 60 (Sixty) days after the time of Bid Opening or if issued a Letter of Intent, withdraw his bid or bids after the issuance of such Letter of Intent, or fail to execute a Form of Agreement if presented, the Owner may declare the Bid bonds forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages. The Owner reserves the right to (1) accept any bids by a Letter of Intent within 60 (Sixty) days after the time of Bid Opening and a presentation of a Form of Agreement within 30 (thirty) days from the date of such Letter of Intent (2) at any time reject all bids and (3) waive all informalities, irregularities, or errors in the bidding, provided it is not in violation of the Notice to Bidders or the Statutes of the State of Indiana. Bidders not issued a Letter of Intent will have their Bid Guarantees returned within five (5) days after the issuance of the Letter of Intent. Bid Guarantee: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, money order or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and an acceptable surety, payable to the New Albany - Floyd County School Corporation, in an amount equal to 5% of the maximum bid. The attorney-in-fact who executes the Bond on behalf of the Surety shall affix to the Bond a certified and current copy of his Power-of-Attorney. Bids shall be executed on Indiana State Board of Accounts Form No. 96 (Revised 2013) with Non-Collusion Affidavit, with all sections completely filled in and sworn to as required by the Statutes of Indiana for all bids. All prices quoted, are to be free of all Federal Excise Taxes and Indiana State Sales Tax, and upon request of supplier, tax exemption certificate will be executed by the Owner to the successful bidder to cover all items subject to this tax. Contractors receiving awards shall furnish an approved Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond for 100% of the contract which shall be in full force and effect for 12 months from date of acceptance of the work. Bond shall be furnished at time of written notice to proceed with the work. Questions concerning the contract documents or bidding procedures shall be directed to the following: Michell Allen Ritz Architect Project Manager: Troy Michell 319 Bank Street E-mail: TMichell@michellallenritz.com New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-2324 The Contractor shall submit with his bid a completed Contractor's Qualification Statement, AIA Document A305. The Owner reserves the right to reject each and every bid, and to waive informalities, irregularities, and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by Law. This includes the right to extend the date and time for receipt of bids. The Board of Trustees of the New Albany - Floyd County School Corporation encourages the General Contractor, Subcontractors, Vendors, etc., to make every effort to utilize the residents of Floyd County as suppliers for equipment, materials, and work force whenever possible.

Bid Results

Day Care Centers


Public - County


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1111 Pearl St, New Albany, IN

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