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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

To remediate the building envelope on the Inualthuyak School in Sachs Harbour, NT. Building Description: The Inualthuyak School is located in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories and was constructed in 1973. The building is a one-storey structure and was remodelled in 1993 with 820 square meters of total floor area. The school building's main rooms include two vestibules, three classrooms, general offices, a resource room, a kitchen, a gymnasium, washrooms, storage rooms, and associated service rooms (mechanical, electrical, and janitorial). The facility is considered a combustible construction and has sprinkler protection. It is classified as a Group A, Division 2 - Assembly Occupancy according to the 2015 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC). The exterior wall assembly consists of pre-finished sheet corrugated metal cladding, wood strapping, air barrier, rigid foam insulation, over cavity-filled wood frame construction. The interior wall assembly consists of painted gypsum wallboard, poly vapour barrier, and batt insulation in the wood studs cavity. The roof assembly consists of 2-ply mbm roll roofing system, plywood deck sheathing, rigid foam insulation c/w girt system, mbm vapour retarder, plywood sheathing, and roof joists system. The roof does not have a rainwater management system (eavestrough and downspouts). The ceiling consists of a suspended acoustic tile system. In 2015, the building received an upgrade to the exterior envelope assembly. The renovation included additional insulation, a new air barrier, and a new cladding system. The original exterior doors and windows were replaced with triple glazed fibreglass windows and insulated metal doors. No work was specified on the roof, except for sealing the joints at eaves to suit the new cladding system




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Sachs Harbour, Sachs Harbour, NT

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