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Published June 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Marengo, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Tuckpointing, new sealant, masonry cleaning, painting and related materials repair work to return building to current conditions. Lump sum bids will be received as follows: GC-1 General Construction The Iowa County Board of Supervisors, the Owner, will receive bids until Wednesday, June 8", 2022 at 2:00 PM, in the Iowa County Courthouse, First Floor, 901 Court Avenue, Marengo, Iowa 52301, Attn: Sherry Pope, lowa County Recorder. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids will be opened publicly. Proposals shall be prepared in accordance with contract documents prepared by Bray Associates Architects, Inc., 220 Emerson Place, Suite 301, Davenport, Iowa 52301. Contract documents may be obtained in electronic format (pdfs) from the Architect's Davenport office. Documents will be available for downloading from Mimecast. Contractors are responsible for registration, fees, etc. for use of this site. It is solely the contractor's responsibility to verify that he is downloading all drawings, all specifications, and all addenda for this project. No additional cost will be allowed by the Owner for the contractor's failure to download all material. Contractors to request access to downloads by calling the Architect's Davenport office or by emailing at lrutowski@brayarch.com or mmuller@brayarch.com. Contractor will receive email notice and invitation to view project folder to download drawings, specifications, addenda, etc. Contract documents are made available only for the purposes of this Project. Their use does not grant a license for other purposes. Printed hard copies of the documents are available for purchase by the Contractor from: l. Rapids Reproductions, Inc., 3875 Elmore Avenue, Suite C, Davenport, Iowa 52807 Phone: 563-445- 3081, ATTN: Mark Hoover. markh@rapidsrepro.com., 2. Contractor must call ahead to order sets of documents as this is a print-to-order project. Bidders shall bring discrepancies, omissions and conflicts of doubt as to true meaning of any part of the contract documents to the attention of Architect, Mark Miller at 309.517.5073 by Wednesday, June 1*, 2022. The Owner nor the Architect will be providing additional SETS of drawings for construction use. It is each Contractor and Sub-Contractor responsibility to review and obtain FULL SETS of construction documents and addendums for bidding and construction purposes. No additional sets of plans and specifications will be issued by the Owner or the Architect for construction. Any Contractor wishing to be added to the Plan Holders List that received or reviewed documents at any of the following plan exchanges must contact lrutowski@brayarch.com. A certified check, a cashier's check or a bid bond payable to the Owner in an amount not less than 5% of the maximum bid shall accompany each bid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute and file the proposed contract and bond within ten days after the award of contract. The Owner reserves the right to accept Bidder's Base Bid, accept any one or more of the Bidder's Alternate Bid's, reject any or all Bids, award contract based on its investigation of the Bidder's, as well as acceptance of Alternates all of which the Owner deems to be in its best interest and waive any informalities or minor irregularities in the Bids and waive minor irregularities in the bidding procedure, all at the Owner's discretion.




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June 8, 2022

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901 Court Ave, Marengo, IA

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