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Published June 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Wardsville, Missouri. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The work will include concrete paving (approximately 31,000 sq ft) and improvements to the driveway of the high school. Also included are other concrete paving projects throughout the District. . Anticipated commencement date of work Monday, June 20, 2022 . Anticipated completion date of work Friday, August 5, 2022 The Contractor shall pay not less than the prevailing hourly rate of wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, as determined by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards, State of Missouri, as set out in the Project Manual. Payroll records will be required from the Contractor by the Owner. The Blair Oaks R-II School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in such bids. Likewise, the School District reserves the right to select the lowest and best bid which is in the best interest of the School District. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days subsequent to the specified time for receipt of bids. Item #1 The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for installation of a concrete sidewalk surrounding a new playground, on the south side of Blair Oaks Elementary school. The approximate size of the pad is 6' (+/-) by 140' (+/-). The scope of the work includes all necessary grading, compacted sub-grade, 4" type 5 base, 4" thick 3000 psi concrete with a thickened outer rim, sealed control joints, and one coat of cure-and-seal applied. Layout of the sidewalk will be provided by Blair Oaks School District. The specifications for this item are included in Attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to the specifications. Item #2 The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for the demolition and replacement of the redesigned storm drain top located north of the Vocational/Agriculture building. Install City of Jefferson Standard Area Inlet top. The plans for this item are included in attachment A. The specifications for this item are included in attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to the specifications. Item #3A The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for removal of a portion of the existing concrete, regrading to allow storm water drainage, and replacement of the concrete driveway between the Elementary School and the Maintenance Building. The approximate size of the driveway is 930 sq. ft. (+/-). The scope of the work includes all necessary grading, compacting of sub-grade, 4" of type 5 base, 6" thick 4000 psi concrete, pinned to concrete with 1/2 " smooth reinforcement rod on 2' centers. The specifications for this item are included in attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to the Item #3D The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for removal of a portion of the existing concrete, and the installation of replacement concrete of the driveway southwest of Blair Oaks Intermediate School, and southeast of Blair Oaks Elementary School The approximate size of the driveway is 5736 sq. ft. (+/-). The scope of the work includes all necessary grading, compacting of the sub-grade, 4" type 5 base, 6" thick 4000 psi concrete, and pinned to concrete with 1/2 " smooth reinforcement rod on 2' centers. The specifications of this item are included in attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to specifications. Item #3E The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for removal of a portion of the existing concrete, and the installation of replacement concrete of the driveway northwest of the Blair Oaks Vocational Agriculture building and southeast of Blair Oaks Elementary School. The approximate size of the driveway is 1800 sq. ft. (+/-). The scope of the work includes all necessary grading, compacting of the sub-grade, 4" type 5 base, 6" thick 4000 psi concrete, and pinned to concrete with 1/2 " smooth reinforcement rod on 2' centers. The specifications of this item are included in attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to specifications. Item #4 The contractor will be expected to furnish the labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of a concrete driveway on the northwest side of Blair Oks High School. The approximate size of the driveway in 15,831 sq. ft. (+/-). The scope of the work includes all necessary grading, compacted subgrade, 4" type 5 base, 6" think 4000 psi concrete with sealed control joints, and one coat of cure and seal applied. The specifications for this item are included in Attachment B. All work will need to be completed according to the specifications. Any fill remaining after the grading will be stockpiled on the east side of Blair Oaks High School.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Wardsville, MO

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