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Published July 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Kent County Purchasing Division is soliciting bids for a card access system upgrade at our Kent County Sheriff Department. Respondent must be an authorized reseller and the product distributed through an authorized distribution channel. Work is to be performed during normal business hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Once the project is started, work will be continuous until the point of completion. Kent County desires a completion date by October 31, 2022 Inquiries Deadline Date & Time (local) 6/2/2022, 2 PM Kent County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to award to the Respondent whose response is deemed most advantageous to Kent County. Where price is a consideration, schedules, completion date, and life cycle costs will be utilized in evaluating this award. Kent County reserves the right to request additional information it may deem necessary after the submissions are received as part of the evaluation process. Each bid over $500,000 must be accompanied by a Bid Bond executed by the Respondent and payable to County of Kent for five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. Attorneys-in-fact who sign Bid Bonds or Payment Bonds and Performance Bonds must file a certified effective dated copy of their Power of Attorney. A certified check, bank draft, cashier's check, or negotiable U.S. Government bond (at par value) may be submitted In lieu of a Bid Bond. Personal checks are NOT acceptable. Each contract over $50,000 must be accompanied by a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each payable to the Owner (County of Kent) and each in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price with a corporate surety approved by the funding agency, for the faithful performance of the contract. SCOPE The summary of work for this project is to upgrade the existing access control system from DSX to Access IT! control system and upgrade/add approximately 47 readers. 1 A list of the location of each reader will be available at the pre-submission meeting. 2 Respondent must coordinate with Stanley Security to have slider doors integrated into the system. 3 Kent County will be reusing all existing wiring, readers, etc. unless the existing equipment is found not to be working properly. To Kent County's knowledge all are working currently




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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