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Published May 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Goodyear, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

INTENT: Maricopa County (County) is seeking one or more qualified contractors to provide full service glass maintenance, repair, replacement, and installation of various types of glass and glass-related services including, but not limited to, plate glass for industrial, commercial, detention, and residential applications, window tinting, tabletop glass, storefront glass, passageway door glass, shower door glass, mirrors, and window and door frames, as well as providing glass supplies and materials. County reserves the right to purchase the glass products without installation. Contractor shall provide all parts, labor, materials, equipment, tools, and transportation required to perform these services. Service sites may be located anywhere throughout the County. Automotive/vehicle glass products are excluded from the contract. Description: Respondent shall use the upload function in the line item section to upload the following: - Attachment B - Agreement Page: Document contained in the solicitation, and shall be completed and uploaded as part of the bid packet. - Attachment C - References: Document contained in the solicitation, and shall be completed and uploaded as part of the bid packet. - Attachment D - Pricing Sheet: An Excel spreadsheet that must be downloaded from the documents section of Periscope, completed, and uploaded as part of a bid packet submission. - Attachment E - Personnel Qualifications: An Excel spread sheet that must be downloaded from the document section of the e-procurement platform, completed, and uploaded as part of a bid packet submission. - Attachment F- Vehicle & Equipment Listing: An Excel spread sheet that must be downloaded from the document section of the e-procurement platform, completed, and uploaded as part of a bid packet submission. - As per section, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) as applicable, proof of Certifications and Licensing (copies), proof of contractor and employee experience , and a list of a minimum of three projects as per section Contract duration: 2 years Contract renewal: 4 annual renewals Prices good for: 2 years Regions: Arizona, Maricopa



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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