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Published June 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Eastsound, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and bridge / tunnel.

** As of June 15, 2022, project has not been awarded yet. ** This contract provides for the realignment of approximately 600 feet of Deer Harbor Road on Orcas Island, San Juan County, WA. Work includes clearing and grubbing with significant tree and stump removal; roadway excavation and disposal; placement and compaction of gravel roadway base; installation of storm drainage culverts; and other work, Estimated Cost: $250,000 Time for Completion: 30 working days The County is not holding a pre-bid conference for this project. The project site is open to bidders for inspection. Any Addenda to the Contract Provisions and Plans will be posted online. Only Bidders who have notified Public Works that they are interested in supplying a quote will be notified by the Public Works Department of Addenda. Notification will be made using the contact information provided by the bidder. In accordance with Standard Specification 1-02.4(1): Oral explanations, interpretations, or instructions given by anyone before the Award of a Contract will not be binding on San Juan County. Any information given a prospective Bidder concerning any of the Bid Documents will be furnished to all prospective Bidders as an Addendum if that information is deemed by San Juan County to be necessary in submitting Bids or if San Juan County concludes that the lack of the information would be prejudicial to other prospective Bidders. Bid Guarantee: Bid deposit shall be submitted with each bid by check or money order, in the amount of 5% of the bid amount, or a bid bond in lieu of deposit. Informational Items Contract Requirements: The successful bidder must meet all the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria set forth in RCW 39.04.350 and will be required to carry and maintain a minimum of $1 million in liability insurance coverage throughout the period of the contract, in accordance with County policy. State Taxes: This contract is subject to WAC 458-20-171 (Rule 171) for tax purposes, and the bidder shall include for compensation the amount of any taxes to be paid in the various unit bid prices or other contract amounts (1-07.2(1) APWA GSP June 27, 2011). Contract Bond (Payment and Performance Bond): The successful bidder shall provide an executed contract bond for the full contract amount, in accordance with RCW 39.08.010. Withholding of Retainage: Pursuant to RCW 60.28.011, a sum of 5% of the monies earned by the Contractor will be retained from progress payments. COVID-19 Job Site Requirements: The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations related to COVID-19 applicable to this project and in effect at the time the work is performed. Additional Information: Contact the Public Works Department at (360) 370-0500 Prevailing Wages: This project is funded with State and local funds; Washington State wage laws and rules apply. In preparing a bid, contractors must use the prevailing wage rates in effect for San Juan County on the date bids are due *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at addtobidlist@constructconnect.com.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work

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June 8, 2022

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Deer Harbor Rd, Eastsound, WA

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