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Renovation of a mixed-use development in New York, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Please make sure you have a scanned image of the required submittal, ready to re-send to the Specialist, in case when he or she reads aloud the bids that have been received, and does not read your firm's name. We have NO REASON to expect this to be an issue but we are asking everyone to be doubly sure bids are prepared in advance. . Please make sure that you are prequalified to perform work greater than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars if your bid is in excess of $1,000,000 and that your firm have the applicable experience for this scope of work as of the bid opening date and time Bidders are to include in their Lump Sum Bid Amount an allowance amount for $2,000 Bidders shall submit a LUMP SUM BID AMOUNT in the form attached as Appendix A to the Construction Contract to complete the project within the "Performance Period" after normal school hours under the conditions specified in the Contract Documents (as defined in the SCA's General Conditions dated July 1, 2021) inclusive of the Phasing Exhibit. A Bid Bond prepared on the form attached to the Construction Contract as Appendix C or a Certified Check of the Bidder for five (5%) percent of the Bid Amount must accompany the Lump Sum Bid Form. (Appendix A). The SCA has determined that: 1) the value of each of the "Wicks" trades under the solicitation is less than $10,000 or; 2) there is no "Wicks" trade work under this solicitation. Therefore, the bidder is not required to complete and submit with its bid the "Wicks" Subcontractor Request Form (Appendix G). As a condition of award under this Solicitation, the SCA will require the lowest responsive, and responsible bidder and its subcontractors of any tier performing Work on this project to become signatory to, and be bound by, the provisions of the Project labor Agreement (PLA) newly executed on the 25 th of August, 2020. The PLA applies to the Work performed under this solicitation and bids must be prepared in compliance with the PLA. The Bidder is required to execute a PLA Letter of Assent (in the form of Appendix L to the Construction Contract) pursuant to which it agrees to become signatory to, and abide by, the provisions of the PLA. This PLA Letter of Assent will be issued at the time of the Notice of Intent to Award letter. The Bidder must sign and return this document to the SCA along with the required Construction Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds. Failure to submit this PLA Letter of Assent will render the Bidder to be non-responsive and therefore, ineligible for award of a contract under this solicitation. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CURRENT PLA SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO DEBORAH SEIDENBERG, PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY, LEGAL, AT EMAIL: DSEIDENBERG@NYCSCA.ORG OR TELEPHONE NUMBER: (718)472-8496 $1,000,001 to $4,000,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1925 Stuart St, New York, NY

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