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Published June 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Kennebunk, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Apparatus Bay Concrete Floor Coating Bids shall be submitted in triplicate. Bid forms furnished by the Town of Kennebunk, or copies thereof, shall be used, and strict compliance with the requirements of the Invitation to Bid, these instructions, and the instructions printed on the forms is necessary. Any bidder not utilizing the Bid Proposal Form attached hereto as Exhibit | and Exception to Specifications attached as Exhibit 2 shall be considered non-responsive to the Invitation to Bid. Each Bid Proposal Form must be accompanied by a copy of the specifications. Each bid must give the full business address of the bidder and be signed by an authorized representative or official of the entity bidding. Bids must be signed in the partnership name by one of the members of the partnership or by any authorized representative, followed by the signature and title of the person signing. No oral interpretation will be made to any bidder as to the meaning of the specifications, or other contract documents. Every request for such interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to Mr. Jeffrey H. Rowe, Fire Chief, Town of Kennebunk, 1 Summer Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043, three [3] or more days before the date fixed for the opening of bids The successful bidder will be responsible for: (R) Floor preparation. (R) Diamond grinding is the preferred method for this project. This will include repairs to spalled concrete areas, joints, and crack repairs. (R) Primary surface should be a 100% solid epoxy ( preferred to be manufactured from Tennant Co.) installed @ 8 mils (R) A pigmented satin High Traffic urethane top coat @ 3-4 mils with broadcast 60 mesh aluminum oxide aggregate. The top coat (preferred to be manufactured from Tennant Company) has to have high chemical resistance, have UV Stability and abrasion resistance no more the 18 mg loss (ASTMD4060). << 4" safety yellow satin high traffic urethane traffic lines. (R) Ail materials applied need to be relative zero VOC admissions and meet Maine VOC rules The floor will be in one solid color, (Color to be determined), with contrasting lines for vehicle alignment for backing safety. There will be two lines in each apparatus bay approximately 8 feet apart, in the 2 apparatus bays that run thru (front to back) the station the safety lines shall be continuous. These lines shall extend to the small outside apron area. AH floor/wall molding removal and reinstallation will be the responsibility of the bidder This project area includes: a small bathroom, a raised floor area, tools crib, a maintenance room, EMS closet, 2 exit hallways, and 6 apparatus bays. 2 of these bays are drive thru design. New trench drains were installed 1 year ago. The drain grates shall be protected from epoxy. Elevated floor step edges shall be marked the same color as the safety striping.


Fire / Police


Public - City


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1 Summer St, Kennebunk, ME

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