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Published June 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Akron, Ohio. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

This project includes replacement of the existing corrugated metal pipe arch culvert with a span of 13'-5" and a rise of 8'-5" (Structure No. BAT-114-0320) carrying N. Revere Road (CR 114) over Revere Run. Replacement structure is a 12' x 8' four-sided, precast concrete box culvert, minimum barrel length of 90' with cast-in-place reinforced concrete wingwalls and full height headwalls. Work also includes riprap and rock channel protection, new pavement, embankment, guardrail, erosion protection, pavement marking and minimal resurfacing, drainage, necessary to tie-in to existing You will receive an email from notices@publicpurchase.com letting know your account is activated. For more information, please contact Shannon McNulty shmculty@summitoh.net (330) 643-2557. Hard copies will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. The County reserves the right to reject all bids. Prequalification Bidders must apply for prequalification with the department at least 30 days (for joint ventures, 5 days if both are currently prequalified) before the date set to open bids. For Joint Venture bidding please see Rule VII of Rules and Regulations for Qualifications of Bidders. Information pertaining to prequalification may be obtained from the Office of Contracts, Contractors Qualifications Section, First Floor, Department of Transportation Building, Columbus, Ohio telephone number 614-466-2823. Bidder must possess a valid Certificate of Qualification, as defined in Section 5525.03 of the Ohio Revised Code, at the time the bid is submitted for this project. The bidder should provide a copy of the valid certificate with the bid submittal. Two or more persons, partnerships or corporations may bid jointly on any one project, but only on condition that prior to the time bids are taken on the project the bidders make a joint application for qualification and obtain a joint Certificate of Qualification. The Project includes replacement ofthe existing corrugated metal pipe arch culvert carrying N. Revere Road (CR 114) over UNT to Yellow Creek. The replacement structure is proposed to be a 12 foot x 8 foot precast reinforced concrete box culvert, minimum barrel length of90 feet with cast-in-place, reinforced concrete wingwalls and full height headwalls. Work also includes new pavement, embankment, guardrail, erosion protection, pavement marking and minimal resurfacing, drainage, necessary to tie-in to existing. Completion- October 15, 2022

Bid Results

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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