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Published May 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Andover, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The town of Andover is seeking an individual or firm to provide engineering services to the Town of Andover to support the land use commissions as well as Public Works. Applicants are encouraged to speak to the town administrator Eric Anderson prior to submitting a proposal. Email contact eanderson@andoverct.org or 860.771.1072 The town of andover does not have its own engineering staff. The town is seeking a consulting engineer or firm to provide on call engineering services. 1. Plan review to support the Land Use commissions, including the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals 2. Engineering review and support for the public works department for Drainage improvements and Roadwork Projects 3. Design oversite and or design services for large culvert replacement projects including federal and state permitting. 4. Assisting the town in reviewing bids for roadwork and other capital projects 5. Monitoring and quality review of paving reconstruction and significant roadwork projects. 6. Other Municipal support as needed. Application Requirements Name, address and description of firm, description of similar municipal services and projects completed by the firm in the last five years including client contact name and phone number, municipal references preferred Fee structure for services outlined in the scope of work. The CV for the engineer who will act as the primary town engineer. Proof of insurance Must certify affirmative action to insure equal employment opportunities (Unless sole proprietor) The applicant must file a written non-discrimination certification with the town of Andover The town of Andover reserves the right, as its sole jurisdiction to reject any or all applications, to waive all informalitys or defects of an application or to accept any application that in the judgement of the town of Andover will be in its best interest. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 15, 2022


Multiple Locations, Andover, CT

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