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Published June 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a transportation facility in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the construction of a 24,023-square-foot transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.

BASE BID: South GA Hangar - Approximately 24,023 S.F. hangar metal building on frost-depth concrete foundations, grinder pit, toilet room, janitor and boiler rooms, associated MEP, fire protection, security, and civil/sitework. Storage Building - Approximately 2,984 S.F. metal building on frost-depth concrete foundations, interior toilet room and fixtures, associated MEP, security, and civil/sitework. DBE Goal: 2.0% Contract Completion Time: 320 Calendar Days Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, certificate of annual bid bond, a certified check, bank's draft, bank's check, or postal money order made payable to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary for 5% of the total amount bid. The electronic template will allow the following options for meeting the proposal guaranty. E-Verify bid bond (Surety2000 & SurePath), uploading a copy of the bid bond or certificate of annual bid bond, certified check, bank draft, or money order. Any bid security, other than a E-verified bond or certificate of annual bid bond is provided, the department will require that the apparent two lowest bidders to mail or hand-deliver the original bond, certified check, bank draft, or money order to the Bureau of Aeronautics by close of business two business days following the close of bids and must be received by the Bureau of Aeronautics no later than 5 days from the posting of the bid results. TWO prequalification methods are acceptable for this project. EITHER Bureau of Aeronautics "Statement of Bidder's Qualifications and Experience" (AKA: "Short form") will apply. OR the Bureau of Project Development "Prequalification Statement" (AKA: "Highways"). If your firm does not already hold a valid WisDOT highways prequalification and you do not expect to bid WisDOT highways projects in the future, please complete the simplified Bureau of Aeronautics "short form". Bid proposals will be opened only from those firms that have established their qualifications for the work being bid upon. If a prospective bidder has previously submitted hold a current and valid (not expired or revoked), proper statement and received prior approval from the department, a re-submittal for this project is not required. Any prospective bidder who has not previously established their qualifications must file a pre-qualification statement on the proper forms and be received by the department no later than 12:00 noon, local time, Friday, June 3rd, 2022. Only prime or general contractors submitting the bid need to be prequalified; subcontractors do not need to be prequalified. The qualification statement is a sworn statement and consist of information relating to financial ability, equipment, and experience in the work prescribed in this proposal. The statement shall be in writing on the proper standard form furnished by the department. The department will evaluate the statement and determine acceptability prior to bid acceptance. Failure to establish prequalification as stipulated will result in the bid not being opened and/or rejected.

Bid Results

Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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June 16, 2022

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w6390 Challenger Dr, Appleton, WI

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