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Published August 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

This project will involve the total renovation of the Kitchen/dining room into a new working kitchen. Facility houses 1225 offenders and prepares three meals per day. Prepare an environmental survey including ACM, Lead Paint, Mold in the existing kitchen/dining building. Site work includes site grading for positive drainage at the dock area, replacement of asphalt paving with concrete surfaces for the dock apron, placement of the temporary kitchen with utility connections by others. Roof changes design for new equipment and reroof. This renovation will affect: the demolition of and replacement of all waste piping, floor finishes, grease trap system, selected frames and doors with new hardware, wall finishes, resinous system floors and walls in dish wash, washrooms and swill room, new kitchen equipment (by others) and hoods, lighting, HVAC system, fire sprinkler alterations with new heads, new fire alarms, camera system, door locking system, obsolete electrical panels and systems, natural gas distribution, water heaters, cold/water service lines, and loading dock finishes. Replacement of CCTV, data and communication system with staff dining check-out register. The design shall incorporate a construction plan which will maintain a temporary daily kitchen operation near the existing loading dock. The Owner shall provide the selected Design Professional with a conceptual kitchen equipment plan during the design process. The scope of design services shall include preparation of schematic design and design development documents, construction documents, bidding assistance and negotiation, and administration of the contract for construction.The Stated Cost Limitation (SCL) is estimated at $5.48M. Those firms responding to this invitation will be considered, provided their response includes a letter of interest and a current Architect/Engineer Questionnaire (GSA Standard Form 330) and a notarized, executed Contractor Affidavit under O.C.G.A 13-10-91(b)(1), see attachment. No further action beyond the submission of the letter of interest, the SF 330, and the notarized, executed Contractor Affidavit is required or desired for consideration. Respondents should be an established firm, licensed to practice engineering or architecture with a principal office in the State of Georgia. Firms having more than one office are requested to submit only the qualifications of the office that would produce the contract documents. Criteria for selection consideration will be based on such factors as organization, design ability, past performance, ability to meet time requirements, budget limitations, and professional experience. Following an initial evaluation of qualifications and performance data, three or more firms considered highly qualified by the department to provide the required professional services will be invited for interviews. After the initial evaluation, the Department will conduct an optional site visit for those firms selected for the Department interview. Attempts to contact any department representatives in connection with this invitation (other than those individuals designated above) or failure to provide fully responsive submittal information may lead to disqualification. GDC reserves the right to reject any or all statements of qualifications, and to waive technicalities and informalities at the discretion of GDC. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


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September 6, 2023


373 Upper River Rd, Hawkinsville, GA

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