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Published May 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

MOWER, WEEDEATER, SPRAYERS, CHEMICALS, TOOLS, SUPPLIES. FUEL, PARTS, ETC. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH BID MOWING: (To be bid by square foot) County owned property must be maintained boundary to boundary. Finished length minimum of two (2) inches and maximum of four (4) inches and includes, but is not limited to: o Mowing grass. o Clearing brush and other growth, including, but not limited to: brush, sticks, small tree limbs, leaf accumulations, poison sumac, poison ivy, poison oak, etc. o Filling holes. Vendor must provide a license with the bid for use or distribution of chemicals if utilizing chemicals to spray poisonous growth. If sub-contracting the use of chemicals on poisonous growth, a license for the subcontractor must be submitted with the bid. All chemicals and equipment used for the disbursement thereof must be provided and maintained by the vendor or subcontractor. SECURING/ BOARDING UP STRUCTURES: (Hourly bid) County owned property/structures that creates a health or safety hazard must be secured to limit access to include, but is not limited to: o Boarding up windows, doors, and any other entries. o Boarding up/tarping roofs. o Padlocking doors, garage doors, etc. Vendor must provide and maintain proper equipment and provide any and all material and supplies. DEBRIS REMOVAL: (Hourly bid) Removal of debris from county owned property which includes, but is not limited to: o Removal and disposal of trash, tires, furniture, glass, batteries, etc. o Removal and disposal of fallen or falling trees. o Trimming and disposal of encroaching trees. o Removal and disposal of rock, brick, broken concrete, wood, etc. o Removal and disposal of fallen or falling fence. Debris must be disposed of in accordance with State law and City and/or County ordinance. MEETS & BOUNDS: Determination of the meets and bounds of the property serviced will be the responsibility of the contractor. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: o A list of the properties intended to be serviced must be provided each week to be approved prior to work being performed. o Date stamped before and after photographs of properties serviced are to be provided to the County Treasurer with the invoice for work completed on a weekly basis. Jobs will be assigned at the discretion of the County Treasurer or her designee. For question or bid packets contact Muskogee County Clerk's Office 918- 682-2169 and ask for Polly



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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