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Published May 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Lapwai, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Nimiipuu Health - a tribal entity serving the Nez Perce Tribe with quality healthcare in culturally sensitive and confidential settings - is seeking proposals for a new flooring at the Nimiipuu Health Lapwai Clinic location. The Nimiipuu Health Lapwai Clinic is open to our patient population weekdays from 8:00 am through 4:30 pm. The successful proposal will outline mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts on our staff and patients during the new flooring installation. This project is subject to Davis Bacon prevailing wage provisions. This project is subject to the Nez Perce Tribe TERO compliance requirements. Please contact Jim Stitt - Facilities Manager at (208) 843-2271 ext. 2828 or by email jstitt@nimiipuu.org for all technical questions. Bids must include a written statement that "The bid is firm and will not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days. Scope of Work: 1. &tempmargin;The Contractor shall provide all materials - labor - tools and related services required for the performance of the contract. Nimiipuu Health will provide approximately 12 - 000 square feet of LVP. The Contractor shall provide all other floor coverings at the direction of Nimiipuu Health. 2. &tempmargin;The Contractor shall carefully field measure and check all areas designed to receive floor coverings and sheet vinyl base. 3. &tempmargin;Proposers may include pricing for furniture moving should they offer the service. It will not be a requirement for contract award. 4. &tempmargin;Upon Request the Contractor shall provide layout plans - work plans - and written schedules to be approved by the Facilities Manager - or his designee - prior to work commencing.




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111 Bever Grade, Lapwai, ID

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