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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Emergency Draper Filter Improvements Draper Water Treatment Plant- The Work is located at the Draper Water Treatment Plant, 13700 S Douglas Blvd, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73165. Completion- (220) CALENDAR DAY 1. Existing Filter No. 18; Existing Filter No 9; Filter No. 11; a. Demolition/ Removal and off-site disposal of existing grout: 1) Removal of existing grout bed (see attached graphic for anticipated depth of grout) and preparation of existing filter floor for installation of new underdrain system in accordance with the manufacturers requirements. Please note that grout is approximately 8,000 psi, as measured in the Petrographic analysis attached to the specifications. 2) Erection and maintenance of Visqueen or approved equal barriers for protection of nearby filters and equipment from dust or debris generated during demolition activities. b. Inspection of existing concrete with Engineer and utilization of unit pricing (if necessary) to repair concrete as directed by Engineer. c. Installation, testing, disinfection and commissioning of new underdrain system with media retention caps: 1) Materials for new underdrain system are provided by Owner. Installation of new underdrain system shall follow manufacturer's instructions. The bill of materials for all Owner provided equipment and materials is attached to these specifications. 2) Following demolition, Owner, Engineer, and Contractor shall inspect filter bays and determine type of and quantity of concrete repairs (if any) as indicated on the unit price portion of the bid form and specified herein. 3) Contractor shall be responsible to provide any and all materials(I.e. grout, epoxy system for anchors, etc.)., equipment, and labor as required to integrate the Owner provided materials to provide a complete and working underdrain system as specified herein. t (i.e. grout, epoxy system for anchors, etc.). 4) Contractor shall be responsible to provide manufacturers field services during installation, testing, and commissioning of the filter No. 18 underdrains and filter media as defined in the Assignment of procurement contract provided in Amendment No. 1 to the Contract. construction is anticipated to occur between October 2022 and April 2023.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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13700 S Douglas Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

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