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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a civil project in Cumming, Georgia. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

A. Work to be done under this Contract shall include the furnishing of all materials, equipment, labor and means of construction necessary for the construction of the City of Cumming - Lanier Parkway Booster Pump Station and Water Tank and all other work as shown on the Contract Drawings and/or as specified herein including. B. Work shall include clean-up and dress-up and all repairs work necessary to restore pavement, lawns, and finished areas as closely as possible to their original condition following installation of the work. C. All work pertaining to any requirements contained herein shall be included in the overall proposal submitted unless such cost is designated as a separate pay item in the Proposal Schedule. D. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and paying for all necessary local and state licenses, permits and taxes. E. The Contractor will be required to deliver all equipment, pipe, valves, and other materials to the location of installation. Care shall be exercised in handling all materials and equipment, and the Contractor will be held responsible for all breakage or damage to same. F. The Owner will furnish all water for construction operations and for testing. G. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to convey the water from the Owners tap to points of construction. H. The Owner shall provide personnel to operate all necessary valves in existing system and will oversee all necessary taps and connections to existing lines made by the Contractors personnel. This project shall include furnishing all materials, labor, and equipment to construct one (1) 250,000-gallon elevated water storage tank, one (1) booster pump station, 590 LF of 8-inch water line, and 3,106 LF of 12-inch water line, and all appurtenances necessary for the completion of the work described within the plans and specifications. Contractor Questions: The last day for submission of questions shall be Friday, September 30, 2022. Contractor questions should be directed to Tiffany Barry in writing to tiffany@cecincga.com.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work




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Lanier 400 Parkway, Cumming, GA

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