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Published June 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Colville, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Jun 23, 2022 Contract Award Number: 1240BD22C0015 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: QKDHGEK6A5W6 Contractor Awarded Name: TOP GRADE EXCAVATION, LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Colville, WA 99114-9684 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $190322.65 2) Submit offer by email to jorge.somoza@usda.gov so that it is delivered into this inbox by 15 June 2022 by 2:00 PM PDST. Emails should contain 3 separate attachments (Technical Proposal, Price Proposal, and Representations and Certifications) in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format. Be aware that large attachments may increase the time required to deliver an email. It is the offerors responsibility to confirm receipt of the offer from Jorge Somoza. 3) Address questions about this solicitation to Jorge Somoza at jorge.somoza@usda.gov and for Technical questions address them to Glen Jensen, Civil Engineer Tech, (509) 684-7190, glen.jensen@usda.gov. Period of Performance: 07/01/2022 to 10/31/2022 Description of Requirement US Forest Service Region 6, the Colville National Forest needs road maintenance service. The Government needs road maintenance services for Road Grading that will result in the proper mix of aggregates and fines to maintain aggregates on the roadway, the elimination of ruts and potholes, maintenance and functionality of ditch lines and water diversion structures, and removal of rocks, limbs and other debris from the road prism while maintaining vegetation that serves to prevent or moderate erosion from runoff. The intent of this performance-based standalone contract is to provide for road blading, scarification, clearing debris from ditches, minor road repair and other related work necessary to meet objectives. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary personnel, material, equipment, services, and facilities (except as otherwise specified), to perform the Statement of Work/Specifications referenced herein. The scope of work includes common road maintenance activities including road grading, scarification, clearing debris from ditches, minor road repair, and other related work necessary to meet the objectives. Standard industry practice indicates use of a motor grader with a 12 to 14 foot moldboard blade and scarifies to effectively perform this type of work. Cleaning culverts catch basins and inlets/outlets, ditches, slides and other similar maintenance items. Some roads or road segments may require scarification in conjunction with grading in order to cut out washboards and chuck holes. The equipment used to perform this work shall meet safety standards and shall be in good mechanical condition. Location The work sites are located on the Three Rivers (Stevens County), Tonasket (Okanogan County), Republic (Ferry County), Sullivan Lake (Pend Oreille County), and Newport Ranger Districts (Pend Oreille County) of the Colville National Forests. The locations and miles of roads and other information pertinent to each road will be identified in the task orders issued prior to starting work. Refer to project maps for additional information. FOREST WIDE ROAD BLADING 1240BD22Q0116 COLVIL US Forest Service Region 6, Colville National Forests needs Road Maintenance Services for multiple locations. The work sites are located on the Three Rivers, Tonasket, Republic, Sullivan Lake, and Newport Ranger Districts of the Colville National Forests. The intent of this performance-based service contract is to provide for road maintenance of forest roads. The Contractor shall furnish the necessary personnel, material, equipment, services, and facilities (except as otherwise specified), to perform the Statement of Work/Specifications referenced in this contract. Contractor shall assume all risk, loss, damage, or expense arising out of the prosecution of the work, except as otherwise provided in the project. The scope of work includes common road maintenance activities including the following: road grading, scarification, clearing debris from ditches, minor road repair, and other related work necessary to meet the objectives. Work will start from July 1st, 2022, to October 31st, 2022. This project is 100% set aside for Small Business. For technical questions address them to Glen Jensen, Civil Engineer Tech, (509) 684-7190, glen.jensen@usda.gov. Jorge Somoza, Contracting Officer, Phone (509) 423-2224 or Email jorge.somoza@usda.gov


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Colville, WA

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