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Published June 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Olympia, Washington. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility; for site work for a water / sewer project; fire / police facility; and for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Engineering and Architectural Services Thurston County Fire Protection District 8 ("District") is seeking a qualified firm that will provide consulting services to include programming, conceptual planning, construction and permit plans, specifications, and estimates for multiple projects along with bidding and construction phase services, at Stations 81, 82, and 83 which are located respectively at: Station 81 Station 82 Station 83 3506 Shincke Road NE 8100 Johnson Point Rd NE 5046 Boston Harbor Road NE Olympia, WA 98506 Olympia, WA 98516 Olympia, WA, 98506 Specific project services are expected to include: Prepare construction plans, specifications, and estimates for enhancements to the fire protection system at Station 83 Prepare permitting documents as required by Thurston County for replacement of two existing welded steel fire protection water storage reservoirs. Conduct subsurface geotechnical explorations as needed to develop construction specifications and provide information for reservoir foundation design. Design configuration and coordinate permitting for a sole-source provider of a concrete storage reservoir; structural design of the reservoir and foundation to be provided by the supplier. Design of filling and monitoring system for the new reservoir utilizing available water sources onsite. Assess needs and prepare sizing and specifications for fire sprinkler improvements to the existing fire pump building including intertie with existing fire suppression systems. Assess needs and prepare sizing and specifications for emergency backup power to the fire pump and attendant monitoring systems not already protected. Bid phase services for projects at Station 81 and 83 Assist the District in preparing final bid documents including general, supplemental, and special conditions as required to solicit quotes for the fire protection systems at Station 83 as described above. Include in the Station 83 bidding package, or as a separate document at the discretion of the District, previously developed plans, specifications, and estimate for improvement of the existing onsite sewage disposal system at Station 81 (already permitted). Bid phase services shall include but not be limited to, coordinate advertisement with the District to solicit quotes, responding to bidder questions, providing an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost, attending bid openings, and making final recommendations to the District. Construction phase services for projects at Station 81 and 83 Attend preconstruction meeting(s) with the District and contractor(s). Conduct periodic site observation visits during construction. Investigate the site and prepare a Final Punchlist prior to closeout of the project. Prepare as-built drawings based on contractor information and site visits. Assist the District in managing the contract, coordination with the contractor, and closeout of the projects. Planning phase services at Station 83 Conduct a needs assessment with District Staff to gather information about future programming at Station 83 relative to current use, configuration, challenges, and constraints. Prepare rough sketch and areal extent of current uses using information gathered earlier including original design plans for the station to be provided by the Owner. Evaluate options for interior modifications of existing space to best meet future needs. Present initial findings to District Staff to receive feedback and refine recommendations into two identified preferred options. Prepare sketch level exhibits of the chosen options and rough order of magnitude (ROM) opinion of probable cost to implement each. Attend a regularly scheduled public meeting of the District Board of Commissioners to present a summary of the two developed options and recommendations as applicable. On-call services to the District for FY2022-2023 Provide similar services for small works projects that may come before the District from time to time. DISTRICT INFORMATION: As a Washington State political sub-division, the district serves over 12,500 residents within its 31.4 square mile area and our call volume exceeds 1300 calls per year. The South Bay Fire Department is made up of over 30 volunteers, 19 paid staff and is administered by a Board of Fire Commissioners. Personnel primarily respond from fire stations in the District housing a pumper, water tender and rescue unit. NOTICES: The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities. The District is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The successful bidder must abide by the Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity policies of the District. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.


Fire / Police


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New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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June 6, 2023


Multiple Locations, Olympia, WA

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