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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Big Pine Key, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Respondents must be pre-qualified by FDOT for WORK GROUP 10.1 Roadway Construction Engineering Inspection and 10.3 Construction Materials Inspection and be experienced in federal grant reporting requirements. Monroe County is seeking the services of a firm or individual to provide construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services for the Sands Subdivision Sea Level Rise Pilot Project located on Big Pine Key. The drainage design includes inlets, manholes, above ground electrical pump station controls, distribution panels and components, generators, underground valve boxes, wet wells, pollution treatment unit structures and solids storage sumps. The roadway reconstruction will include base and subgrade reconstruction where required, establishing crowns, milling and asphalt paving. Respondents must be pre-approved by FDOT for Work Group 10, Construction Engineering Inspection services. The CEI will ensure that the roadway and drainage work conform with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) standards and will facilitate communications between all parties ensuring responses and resolutions are provided in a timely manner. The CEI will maintain accurate records and provide contract support as an optional service for County s DEO - CDBG grant. The project is HUD funded through DEO and requires Section 3 contractor targeting and reporting. The State of Florida requires the CONTRACTOR and all applicable sub-contractors to follow the State s Section 3 requirements as defined by HUD. (link provided below) Although the project is not FDOT funded, the County will require that FDOT construction standards be followed with FDOT construction forms and other reporting be included with contractors applications for payment. The Monroe County Purchasing Department has implemented a new electronic process for reviewing and opening sealed bids. Please do not mail or attempt to deliver in person any sealed bids. Mailed/physically delivered bids/proposal/responses WILL NOT be accepted. Files that do not contain this subject line WILL BE REJECTED. Please note that the maximum file size that will be accepted by email is 25MB. Please plan accordingly to ensure that your bid is not rejected due to the file size. Should your bid documents exceed 25MB or otherwise be rejected or undeliverable to OMB-BIDS@monroecounty-fl.gov, in advance of the bid opening, please email: omb-purchasing@monroecounty-fl.gov so accommodations for delivery of your bid can be made prior to the bid opening. Please be advised that it is the bidder s sole responsibility to ensure delivery of their bid and waiting until the bid opening to address or confirm your bid submission delivery will result in your bid being rejected.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 29, 2023


Multiple Locations, Big Pine Key, FL

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