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Published March 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in La Place, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Project was awarded to Pelican Roofing in the amount of $105,911.20. Bids shall be addressed to the St. John the Baptist Parish Purchasing and Procurement. Bid envelopes shall be sealed, display the name and address of the bidder, and be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope St. John Asphalt Shingle Roof Repairs/Replacement - Hurricane Ida Disaster Repairs. The Parish reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bid and to waive any irregularities or informalities incidental thereto, and to accept any bid, which the Parish feels serves its best interest. Such action will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statues. Any person with disabilities requiring Special Accommodation must contact the St. John the Baptist Parish Council Office at (985) 652-9569 no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening. Participation by minority and female owned business, as well as businesses located in this Parish, is encouraged. St. John the Baptist Parish suffered extensive damage due to Hurricane Ida. This event has caused roof damage to 15 buildings with asphalt shingle roofs throughout the Parish. The Parish wishes to hereby Invite Bids from firms interested in and qualified to fulfill this emergency restoration need. The successful Bidder will be issued an award letter and a purchase order. 1.3 Written addenda to the BID may be issued to provide clarification, corrections, or to answer questions. It is the Company's responsibility to periodically check either Parish website, or Central Bidding for addenda that may be issued to implement changes or clarifications to the BID, prior to due date. Checking the Parish website is HIGHLY recommended. This project consists of furnishing all supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to repair the roof and interior components to pre-hurricane conditions to 15 buildings throughout the Parish (Refer to Section 01100 - Summary of Work of list of locations). CONTRACTORS SHALL HOLD A LOUISIANA CONTRACTORS LICENSE IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND/OR ROOFING AND SHEET METAL, SIDING. 1.1 This BID is subject to all applicable state and local laws, including the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. St. John Asphalt Shingle Roof Repairs/Replacement - Hurricane Ida Disaster Repairs The BID package includes the following: 1. Required Signature Page 2. General Terms and Conditions 3. Corporate Resolution 4. Certificate of Authority 5. Past Criminal Convictions Attestation* 6. Non-Solicitation and Unemployment Affidavit* 7. Certificate Regarding Debarment* 8. E-Verify Affidavit* 9. Exhibit A -Information for Bidders




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Multiple Locations, La Place, LA

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