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Published June 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Contractor shall per the following scope of work provide service throughout the Central Library buildings, and branch libraries of the Boston Public Library System, for a multi-year (three [3] year) period beginning approximately July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025, at the bid price. Scope of the Work: a. The scope of the work involved shall consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, the furnishing of all labor, supervision, transportation, materials, tools and equipment to inspect and test, as well as to maintain and service, the various fire alarm systems, Vesda and smoke detectors in the Boston Public Library locations listed in paragraph A.1.b. below. Such work is to include the resetting of activated fire alarm devices. All work is to be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association recommendations and the requirements of the City of Boston Fire Department, Fire Alarm Division. A 5% bid deposit is required LOCATIONS TELEPHONE NUMBERS Boylston Street Building 700 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 617-859-2352, McKim Building 230 Dartmouth Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 617-859-2352 , Adams Street Branch 690 Adams Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 617-436-6900 , Brighton Branch 40 Academy Hill Road, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 617-782-6032 , Charlestown Branch 179 Main Street, Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129 617-242-1248 , Codman Square Branch 690 Washington Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124 617-436-8214 , Connolly Branch 433 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130 617-522-1960 , Roxbury Branch 65 Warren Street, , Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 617-442-6186 East Boston Branch 365 Bremen Street, East Boston, Massachusetts 02128 617-569-0271 ,Egleston Square Branch 2044 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 617-445-4340 , Faneuil Branch / Closed until Summer 2023 419 Faneuil Street (Oak Square), Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 617-782-6705 , Fields Corner Branch 1520 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 617-436-2155 , Honan-Allston Branch 300 No. Harvard Street, Allston, Massachusetts 02134 617-787-6313 , Hyde Park Branch 35 Harvard Avenue, Hyde Park, Massachusetts 02136 617-361-2524 , Jamaica Plain Branch 30 South Street, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130 617-524-2053 , Lower Mills Branch 27 Richmond Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124 617-298-7841 , Mattapan Branch 1350 Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, Massachusetts 02126 617-298-9218 , North End Branch 25 Parmenter Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02113 617-227-8135 , Parker Hill Branch 1497 Tremont Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts 02120 617-427-3820 , Roslindale Branch 4246 Washington Street, Roslindale, Massachusetts 02131 617-323-2343 , South Boston Branch 646 East Broadway, South Boston, Massachusetts 02127 617-268-0180 , South End Branch 685 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02118 617-536-8241 West End Branch , 151 Cambridge Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 617-523-3957 West Roxbury Branch , 1961 Centre Street, West Roxbury, Massachusetts 02132 617-325-3147



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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