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Published August 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Sharon, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

As of August 10, 2022, Contract No. 1 Roofing Construction was awarded to Genesis Roofing Construction for $301,500.00. It is the intent of the Owner to enter into separate contracts as follows: Contract No. 1 Roofing Construction Contract No. 2 Electrical Construction Bids shall include a Bid Security Bond or Certified Check, payable to the City of Sharon, in an amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid, in accordance with Instructions to Bidders, as included in the Contract Documents. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids when such rejection is in the interest of the Owner, and to reject the bid of any Bidder, who in the Owner's judgment, is not in position to perform the Contract On-Site Construction Start - Electrical Contract Date of Contract - October 29, 2022 Roofing Contract Date of Contract - November 22, 2022 1. Provide an expansion of the power distribution system including branch circuit wiring, conduit, backboxes, devices, power poles, poke-thrus, etc. 2. Provide an expansion of the data network system including CAT5e cabling, RJ45 connections, outlets, etc. 3. The removal of the existing lighting system including fixtures, lamps, devices, conduit, wire, etc. as required per drawings. 4. The removal of the existing tile ceiling and grid at locations shown on drawings. 5. Provide new ceiling tile and grid at locations shown on drawings. 6. Provide new lighting fixture lenses for existing fixtures that are missing lenses. 7. The provision of a new lighting system including fixtures, control system, conduit, wire, etc. as required per drawings. 8. The complete removal of the existing fire alarm system throughout the building, including conduits, outlet boxes, cabling, detection devices, notification appliances, etc. 9. The provision of a new fire alarm system throughout the building including conduits, outlet boxes, cabling, detection devices, notification appliances, etc. 10. The provision of a complete new Video Surveillance System including control panels, conduits, outlet boxes, cabling, devices, cameras, displays, display mounts, software, etc. 11. The complete removal of the existing Video Surveillance System including control panels, conduits, outlet boxes, cabling, devices, cameras, displays, etc. 12. The complete removal of the existing Intrusion Detection System including conduits, cabling, control panel, outlet boxes, detection devices, etc. 13. The provision of a complete new Intrusion Detection System including conduits, cabling, control panel, outlet boxes, detection devices, network connection(s), cellular connection, etc. 1) Removal of 250 linear feet of damaged existing roof wood blocking, beyond the extent shown on drawings, to be located by the Architect in the field, and replacing with new 2 x 6 treated wood blocking, material as specified in Section 061000. The Architect shall determine whether existing roof blocking, wherever it is indicated to remain, appears damaged/defective and requires replacement. 2) Provide for 100 square feet of damaged existing gypsum roof deck replacement with nailable structural roof deck as specified in Section 072200, should the Architect determine that any existing gypsum roof deck is damaged and requires replacement. 3) Removal of 100 square feet of existing wet roof insulation and providing insulation, as specified in Section 072200, beyond the extent shown on drawings, to be located by the Architect in the field.




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11 S Sharpsville Ave, Sharon, PA

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Miscellaneous Capital Improvements Shenango Valley Community Library - Contract No. 1 - Roofing Construction - Contract No. 2 - Electrical Construction

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