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Published June 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of an educational facility in Fargo, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Fargo Public Schools is accepting sealed bids for the purchase, delivery, and placement (installation) of one Portable Classroom (modular building with one large classroom set up with a sink, and one open area for cubicle office partitions). Delivery and installation must happen prior to August 1st, 2022, unless otherwise arranged and prior approval is granted. Please submit online. All questions received, answers, and addendums will be posted at this site. It is the intention Fargo Public Schools (District) to have a fair and open bid process. Bidders shall prepare their submission in compliance with the instructions in this package and ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE SAME BID PROPOSAL FORMAT TYPE THAT IS PROVIDED IN THIS PACKAGE. Failure to do so will constitute a No Bid. The District reserves the right to award to any vendor which meets or exceeds the minimum acceptable level of quality as outlined in the specifications. Products that do not meet or exceed the specifications as outlined in the bid documents will not be considered. If the District chooses to consider a product of lesser quality than what has been specified, all parties/vendors will have the opportunity to re-bid that specific product. Evaluation Criteria: Jackie Gapp, Business Manager, will be responsible for leading the evaluation process and maintaining bid evaluation records. The Board of Education of the City of Fargo will give ultimate approval. The contract will be awarded to one responsible bidder who can meet the terms and conditions, who can supply the specified item in the listed quantity and proposes the bid resulting in the lowest financial cost to the District. The vendor's Total Price listed on the proposal shall be the final delivered price. By submitting a bid, a vendor is signifying agreement to the outlined terms and conditions. Award of Bid: Upon Board approval, the successful bidder will receive a Purchase Order. Structure 24x70 or 24 x 74 Main and rear exits (two (2) points of egress) Windows (1-2 per classroom) Insulated skirting Siding (no color preference) One (1) external GFCI outlet 24x70 concrete piers already installed. 24x74 will require modification. Interior Two (2) open classrooms (no bathrooms) Sink option in one classroom and piped for connection Carpeted (wall to wall or squares) on one side and tile/ LVT flooring on other side Storage rooms as pictured or similar layout At least four (4) outlets (GFCI preferred) per classroom Data jacks (five (5) per classroom) Owner will wire to panel and terminate Owner will terminate data lines Insulated plumbing line with sink (or able to be insulated) Heating/ Cooling Requirements Air conditioning Heating Fire/ Life Safety Requirements Fire Extinguishers (one (1) per classroom) Emergency exit signs Emergency Lighting Owner will provide AED The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible bid meeting all specifications. Awards will not necessarily be based on price alone. Suitability to purpose, design, quality, past service, date of delivery, or other factors deemed to be in the best interest of the District may also be considered. The District shall be the sole judge of these factors. In all instances, the decision rendered by the District shall be final and not subject to contest by others.




Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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June 16, 2022

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1729 16th St S, Fargo, ND

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