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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Blainville, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference number : 1610971 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-06-15 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract without the options (in months): 15 Project title: Replacement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (Ecole Chante-Bois) - Phase 2 - Pre-order of heat recovery ventilation unit The Center de services scolaire des Mille-Iles, owner, is requesting bids for the replacement of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (Ecole Chante-Bois) Phase 2 - Pre-order of unit of heat recovery ventilation The tenderer, general contractor or subcontractor, is responsible for ensuring that the call for tenders document is complete and corresponds to all the information available on SEAO for this call for tenders, i.e. the plans, specifications and other tender documents. To submit their bid in person, bidders may go to the Administrative Center of the Center de services scolaire des Mille-Iles, the same day the bids are opened, by making an appointment at . Bids submitted electronically are also permitted under this call for tenders. Bids sent electronically must be received through the SEAO at the following address:, no later than the date and time indicated in the call for interest documents. For technical questions regarding the transmission of tenders electronically, contact SEAO customer service at 1-866-669-7326 or consult the Guide to tenders transmitted electronically, which you will find in the section "Customer Service" of the SEAO website. In order to respect the rules of physical distancing issued due to the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the opening of the tenders will be carried out in the absence of the public, with only one witness, and recorded. The video of the opening will then be deposited, by addendum, on the SEAO. SUBMISSION GUARANTEE: Toute soumission devra etre accompagnee d'une garantie de soumission d'un montant forfaitaire de DIX MILLE DOLLARS (10 000,00 $), excluant toutes les taxes applicables, sous forme de cheque vise, de traite bancaire, de lettre de garantie irrevocable ou de cautionnement de soumission, valide pour une periode de soixante (60) jours de calendrier suivant la date d'ouverture des soumissions, emis par une institution financiere qui est un assureur detenant un permis emis conformement a la Loi sur les assurances (L.R.Q., c. A-32) l'autorisant a pratiquer l'assurance cautionnement, une societe de fiducie titulaire d'un permis delivre en vertu de la Loi sur les societes de fiducie et les societes d'epargne(RSQ, c. S-29.01), a financial services cooperative covered by the Act respecting financial services cooperatives (RSQ, c. C-67.3) or a bank within the meaning of the Bank Act (LC, 1991, c. 46), otherwise the submission will be automatically rejected. Certified checks and bank drafts will only be permitted for tenders submitted on paper. TERMS : Only tenders from Suppliers will be considered for the purpose of awarding the contract having: an establishment in Quebec or, when an intergovernmental agreement is applicable, in Quebec or in a province or territory covered by this agreement, in particular: ALEC ACCQO AQNB a certificate issued by the Ministere du Revenu du Quebec if he has an establishment in Quebec, or the "absence of establishment in Quebec" form duly completed, if applicable. Unsatisfactory performance evaluation : The owner reserves the right to refuse any tenderer who, during the two (2) years preceding the date of opening of tenders, has been the subject of a performance evaluation by the Owner. unsatisfactory, has failed to follow up on a tender or a contract or has had a contract terminated because of its failure to comply with its terms. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF COMPLAINTS: The deadline for filing complaints under section 21.0.4 of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (LCOP) can be found in the "Information" section of the notice on SEAO. The CSSMI complaint procedure is available at the website The Mille-Iles School Service Center does not undertake to accept the lowest or any of the tenders received and opened. It also reserves the right to withhold them in whole or in part. For any further information, please contact us at the email address:




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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40 Av. 84 E, Blainville, QC

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