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Published July 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Colton, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

As of July 26, 2022, project was awarded but awarded amount is not available. Town of Colton, County of St. Lawrence, New York will be accepting sealed bids for the strip and replacement of the asphalt roofing on the Colton Hepburn Library. Step flashing and sealing all valleys and chimneys with new drip edge and synthetic felt. Contractors responsible for any and all cleanup. The Colton Town Board will accept the bids at the June 8th Town Board meeting. The Town of Colton reserves the right to refuse any and/or all bids, and a non-collusive statement must accompany all bids. The Town of Colton is an equal opportunity employer. Town of Colton, County of St. Lawrence, New York will be accepting sealed bids for the strip down to the wood deck of the existing roof and dispose of at the Colton Museum. Furnish and install two layers of Carlisle's 2.6" polyiso roof insulation (R30 to meet NYS Code) or equivalent, mechanically attached to the wood deck per the manufacturers written specifications. Furnish and install additional P.T. wood blocking at the perimeter as needed to the height of the new roof insulation. Furnish and install Carlisle's 60 mil non reinforced fully adhered EPDM roof system or equivalent to be complete with all details and terminations for a watertight installation. Furnish and install new perimeter 24- gauge Kynar sheet metal. Color to be selected by the Owner from Carlisle's standard color chart or equivalent. Clean the jobsite to the owner's satisfaction, properly disposing of all debris off site. Upon completion, provide the owner with Carlisle's 15-year 72 mph Total System Labor and Material Warranty or equivalent. Prior to any work, provide the owner with RSI Roofing's standard 5-million dollar umbrella certificate of insurance including proof of workers compensation coverage. Sealed bids will be accepted until 12 noon on Tuesday, June 7th at which time they will be opened and reviewed. The Colton Town Board will accept the bids at the June 8th Town Board meeting. The Town of Colton reserves the right to refuse any and/or all bids, and a non-collusive statement must accompany all bids. The Town of Colton is an equal opportunity employer.




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84 Main St, Colton, NY

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Strip and Replacement of the Asphalt Roofing on the Colton Hepburn Library

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