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Renovation of an educational facility in Los Angeles, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The proposed project, located at UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center (Ashe Center), will provide seismic renovation to improve the building from a seismic performance rating of Level VI to a seismic performance rating of at least Level IV. The seismic work will occur on Levels 1-4 and the roof. The building has been updated over time, including a major tenant improvement in 1997. Accessibility and fire/ life safety improvements will also be performed to bring the facility into compliance with current code. Structural deficiencies may require reinforcement of various interior and exterior walls. Mandatory code corrections triggered by the structural work shall include disabled access upgrades and repair and restoration of building finishes impacted by the work. Seismic corrections include beam-column moment connections, collector strengthening and diaphragm strengthening. Additional work includes demolition and put-back of impacted interior finishes at all levels. The building will be partially vacated and off-hours work will be required. Subject to conditions prescribed by the University of California, Los Angeles, responses to the University's prequalification documents for a CM at Risk contract are sought from prospective prime contractor bidders (hereafter "bidders") for the following project: Ashe Center Seismic Improvements Project Number 908734.01 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES. The University has determined that bidders who submit bids on this project must be prequalified. Prequalified bidders will be required to have the following California contractor's license: B License (General Building). The proposed project, located at UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center (Ashe Center), will provide seismic renovation to improve the building from a seismic performance rating of Level VI to a seismic performance rating of at least Level IV. The seismic work will occur on Levels 1-4 and the roof. The building has been updated over time, including a major tenant improvement in 1997. Accessibility and fire/ life safety improvements will also be performed to bring the facility into compliance with current code. Structural deficiencies may require reinforcement of various interior and exterior walls. Mandatory code corrections triggered by the structural work shall include disabled access upgrades and repair and restoration of building finishes impacted by the work. 1. Seismic corrections include beam-column moment connections, collector strengthening and diaphragm strengthening. Additional work includes demolition and put-back of impacted interior finishes at all levels. The building will be partially vacated and off-hours work will be required. 2. Mandatory code corrections triggered by the structural work would include disabled access upgrades along the path of travel as required by code. 3. Repair and restoration of exterior finishes and interior architectural finishes impacted by the work at all levels. 4. Removal of interior finishes impacted by structural work and replacement in-kind. 5. Reroutes of MEP/FP/FA/Lighting/Low Voltage infrastructure and systems put-back. 6. Hazardous material abatement, as required. 7. Preconstruction services. For further information, contact Universitys Project Manager Victoria Groh at: 310-210-6099. NOTE: Attendee shall be a staff member of the prime contractor bidder's firm who will be actively involved in responding to this Prequalification, and who is highly knowledgeable of the firm's potential response to the prequalification criteria. Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference via ZOOM: Participants must log onto the ZOOM meeting at or before 10:00 a.m. (See ZOOM meeting instruction below.) Persons logging in later than said time will not be allowed to bid on the Project as prime contractors. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 997 9438 2419 One tap mobile +12133388477, 98670287466# US (Los Angeles) +16692192599, 98670287466# US (San Jose) Dial by your location 1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles) 1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose) 1 971 247 1195 US (Portland) 1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix) 1 720 928 9299 US (Denver) 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta) 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) 1 651 372 8299 US (Minnesota) 1 786 635 1003 US (Miami) Find your local number: NOTES: 1. Attendee shall be a staff member of the prime contractor bidder's firm who will be actively involved in responding to this Prequalification, and who is highly knowledgeable of the firm's potential response to the prequalification criteria. 2. It is currently anticipated that the Conference will last approximately 30 minutes. Only University's Prequalification Questionnaire (and associated documents) will be accepted. University reserves the right (but is not obligated) to request, receive, and evaluate supplemental information after the above time and date at its sole determination. Any person or entity not satisfied with the outcome of the prequalification must file a writ challenging the outcome within 10 calendar days from the date of the University's written notice regarding prequalification determination. Any assertion that the outcome of the prequalification process was improper will not be a ground for a bid protest. The dates, times, and location set for receiving and opening of bids will be set forth in an Advertisement for Bids. The University reserves the right to reject any or all responses to Prequalification Questionnaires and to waive non-material irregularities in any response received. All information submitted for prequalification evaluation will be considered official information acquired in confidence, and the University will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. Every effort will be made to ensure that all persons have equal access to contracts and other business opportunities with the University within the limits imposed by law or University policy. Each Bidder may be required to show evidence of its equal employment opportunity policy. The successful Bidder and its subcontractors will be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents and to pay prevailing wage at the location of the work. The work described in the contract is a public work subject to section 1771 of the California Labor Code. No contractor or subcontractor, regardless of tier, may be listed on a Bid for, or engage in the performance of, any portion of this project, unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 and 1771.1. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. The successful Prequalified Bidder shall pay all persons providing construction services and/or any labor on site, including any University location, no less than the UC Fair Wage (defined as $15 per hour) and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local working condition requirements. The Anticipated Contract Value is $4,851,000.00 Pre-Bid Info- Join by telephone by dialing any one of the numbers below: 1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles) 1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix) 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

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221 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

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