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Published October 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Pembroke, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of October 2, 2023, a general contractor has been awarded. Construction has not begun and a firm timeline for start of construction has not been determined. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: This project includes the removal and replacement of roofing at Moore Hall of approximately 9,000 Square Feet and an Alternate Bid for the removal and replacement of roofing at Locklear Hall of approximately 12,150 square feet. The work of the project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Removal and disposal of the existing gravel surfaced built-up roof system and thermal insulation exposing the existing coal tar pitch vapor barrier over the existing structural concrete deck. Demolition shall include metal flashings, perimeter coping, fascia, scuppers, collector heads, downspouts, and other miscellaneous materials necessary to perform work. 2. Removal and disposal of any existing damaged and deteriorated wood nailers and/or plywood sheathing. 3. Removal and disposal of existing roof curbs and other miscellaneous roof penetrations as shown on the Contract Drawings. 4. Removal and disposal of existing brick at locations where new overflow scuppers are installed. 5. Protection of existing roof and facade systems, facilities, furnishings, landscaping, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, etc. during all operations. 6. Provision and installation of new wood nailers and sheathing as shown on the Contract Drawings, as specified herein and as required for the installation of the new roofing system. 7. Provision and installation of new wood nailers to replace deteriorated nailers encountered during construction and/or to supplement wood nailer installation depicted on the Contract Drawings. 8. Provision and installation of new adhered flat thermal insulation as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 9. Provision and installation of new adhered tapered insulation as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 10. Provision and installation of a new adhered thermal insulation protection layer as indicated by the Contract Documents. 11. Provision and Installation of a specified fully adhered single-ply PVC membrane roofing over the thermal insulation protection layer including all related flashings and accessories as indicated by the Contract Documents. 12. Provision and installation of new shop-fabricated sheet metal flashings including, but not be limited to counterflashing, trim closures, curb closures, drip edge, and curb caps, etc. as shown on the Contract Drawings, as specified herein and as required by the Membrane Manufacturer. 13. Salvage and reinstallation of existing premanufactured gas line supports. 14. Provision and installation of the Roof Membrane Manufacturer's approved walk pads at the approximate layout shown on the roof plan. 15. Removal and replacement of existing sealant joints between existing limestone coping caps as indicated on the Contract Drawings and elsewhere as required to provide a positive barrier against passage of air and passage of moisture. 16. Other work indicated in the Contract Documents.




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August 8, 2023

October 16, 2023


1 University Drive, Pembroke, NC

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