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Published September 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 8,667-square-foot educational facility.

This project will remove the existing walk-in cooler/freezer unit and install a new walk-in cooler/freezer of the same size (1500 sq ft), configuration, and location. The unit contains 1 freezer section and 6 separate cooler sections. Existing condensing units in an adjacent room will be removed and replaced. Disconnect the existing electrical connections and reconnect new system. Patch adjacent walls and repaint. Rework ceiling/soffit and grid system around new units. This project will apply a new coat of epoxy adjacent to the new units as well as surrounding kitchen areas with a total of 8667 SF. Contractor to remove the existing walk-in cooler/freezer units and install new walk-in cooler/freezer units of the same overall size (approximately one thousand, four hundred square feet), and location (First Floor which is up one level from grade via stairs or elevator), but with an altered interior configuration. The existing units involve two freezer sections and five cooler sections. The new configuration will consist of two freezer sections and three cooler sections. Existing condensing units in an adjacent room will be removed and replaced. Disconnect the existing electrical connections and reconnect new system. Patch adjacent walls and repaint. Rework ceiling/soffit and grid system around new units. This project will repair/replace floor surfaces and fillers adjacent to the coolers and freezers and apply a new coat of epoxy floor finish adjacent to the new units as well as surrounding kitchen areas. This project is being let using the single prime bidding and contracting process. DFD will publicly bid the applicable mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEP) divisions of work first. Within 5 days of the MEP bid opening, DFD will identify a lowest, qualified, responsible, certified bidder in each applicable MEP division of work. These successful MEP bids must be included in all general prime contractor bids received. No later than 5 days after DFD identifies the successful MEP bids, DFD will publicly open general prime contractor bids. UW Eau Claire, Hilltop Building, Main Entrance (west end). It is encouraged that contractors attend. Please contact Lien & Peterson Architects, Greg Granlund, 715-835-7500, gregoryg@2dlp.com for additional information

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August 17, 2023

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105 Garfield Ave, Eau Claire, WI

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