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Published July 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a bridge / tunnel in Bradford, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call civil work for a bridge / tunnel.

Labor, items and/or equipment, and transportation as necessary for the selective demolition and legal disposal of the 22-ft wide by 65-ft long East Warren Road Bridge as follows: 1. Selective demolition of the concrete bridge deck and steel girder floor beam superstructure, including the removal of all demolition waste from within the Project limits with off-site legal disposal. A Bid Bond in the amount of 10% is required. The Project is subject to Pennsylvania Pre-vailing Wage requirements. Project Purpose and Location - The replacement of the East Warren Road Bridge is the highest-priority transportation project identified by the Bradford Township Supervisors. The Project involves the replacement of the existing "structurally deficient" and recently "CLOSED" bridge. A viable bridge crossing is important in minimizing response times and maintaining the integrity of the roadway network during emergencies. The bridge is located 1,600 feet east of the intersection of East Warren Road with U.S Route 219. The bridge is situated 2 miles north of the Borough of Lewis Run and 3 miles south of the City of Bradford. The East Warren Road Bridge will be fully replaced with a new two-lane prefabricated galvanized and bolted steel thru-truss superstructure with a composite cast in place concrete deck having a clear roadway width of 22 feet and supported by geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) abutments that are situated on a 90-degree skew angle with the roadway centerline for an approximate overall structure length of 90 feet. The project will also include approximately 250 lineal feet of roadway adjustments and improvements to the guiderail mounted to both sides of the bridge and along both approach roadways. The project is being funded in part from the Township's General Fund and/or Act 13 Impact Fees or At-Risk Bridge Funds. No Liquid Fuels will be utilized for this project.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

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July 13, 2022


East Warren Road, Bradford, PA

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East Warren Road Bridge - Selective Demolition

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