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Published July 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Gridley, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

California Construction Authority is soliciting bids from B licensed contractors for the following public works project at the Butte County Fairgrounds in Gridley, CA: Material and labor to upgrade kitchen. To include fixtures, lighting, finishes, etc. Engineer's Estimate: $350,000.00 The below scope of work to include a brief summary and not intending to be encompassing of project entirety: 1. Create accessibly compliant entries to the building. 2. Demolish flooring and existing electrical power and lighting. Remove directconnection from 3-compartment sink. Demolish existing range, serving counters, wall shelving, and walk-in shelving. Remove existing soda dispensing and ice wells in serving counter and associated plumbing and electrical. 3. Install mop sink and hand sink at both sides. Relocate soap and paper towel to hand sink. 4. Replace flooring and bases in entirety, serving counters, wall shelving, and provide racking at walk-ins and kitchens. 5. Provide new range under existing hood (replacement matches original size and clearances) no work at hood or extinguishing system. 6. Provide new self-contained freezer, ice machine/bin, and prep sink to east kitchen. Install required floor sinks. 7. Provide all new LED lighting throughout (interior/exterior). 8. Provide all new power outlets. 9. Provide routing for existing roof condensate lines to be wasted into new floor sinks at 3-compartment sinks. 10. Change swing of entry doors. Remove security doors. Install closer and panic hardware. 11. Install FRP where shown on plans. Stainless steel to remain. Paint remainder of walls and ceiling in white semi-gloss paint 12. All work is to be conducted around Fair activities. The Contractor is to provide a minimum of 48 hours' notice of the shutdown of any utilities to both CCA and the Fair. If shutdown of water supply impacts any fire hydrants or sprinklers, shutdown to be coordinated with local fire department. Utility shutdown time is to be kept at a minimum and be back online at end of each workday. 13. Addition as yet undetermined work may be identified. Any additional work will be conducted in accordance with Potential Change Order (PCO), presented in the General Conditions (Appendix C). 14. All work is to comply with all current applicable California Codes. 15. All work to be warrantied (materials and labor) for a minimum of one (1) year, or manufacturer period, whichever is greater.

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199 E Hazel St, Gridley, CA

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