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Published August 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Rowlesburg, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Project includes the following Work: 1 LS Mobilization/Demobilization, 1 LS Erosion and Sediment Control, 135 LF Remove and Replace Existing 6" Sewer Pipe w/ 6" PVC SDR-35 Sanitary Sewer Pipe (0'-6') , 2585 LF 4" PVC C-900 DR-18 Forcemain, 50 LF 4" PVC SDR 35 Lateral Piping , 1 EA Tie Into Existing Sanitary Sewer Pipe, Complete , 1 EA Tie New Forcemain Into Existing Force Main, Complete, 1 EA Tie New Forcemain Into Existing Manhole, Complete, 1 EA Rehabilitation of Existing Manhole, Complete , 1 EA Tie New Gravity Sewer Into Existing Manhole, 1 EA Reconnection of Existing Customer, 1 EA Valve Vault, Complete, 1 EA Test Pit, 1 EA Pressure In Line Cleanout, 1 EA 6" Gravity Line Cleanout , 1 EA 6"X4" PVC Wye Service Connection , 1 EA Vac/Air Release Valve, 120 LF Gravel Driveway/Road Repair , 10 LF Concrete Sidewalk Repair, 170 LF HMA City Street Repair , 170 LF 2" Curb to Curb HMA Overlay, Including Roto Milling & Pavement Markings, 2480 LF Reclamation of Disturbed Areas, 40 LF Steam Bank Slope Protection. Bids are requested for the following Contract: Critical Needs Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades The Work will be substantially completed within 60 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run, and completed and ready for final payment within 90 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. Liquidated damages shall be $1,000 per day. Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the designated website. Prospective Bidders are urged to register with the designated website as a plan holder, even if Bidding Documents are obtained from a plan room or source other than the designated website in either electronic or paper format. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website. A two envelope system will be used. Envelope No. 1 must have the following information presented on the front: Name and address of Bidder Bid on Contract - Critical Needs Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Received by the Town of Rowlesburg Envelope No. 2 labeled "Bid Proposal" shall also be placed inside of Envelope #1. Envelope No. 1 will be opened first and the Bid Opening Requirement items checked for compliance as outlined on the Bid Opening Checklist on page BOR - 1 of these contract documents. If such documents are found to be in order, Envelope No. 2 "Bid Proposal", will then be opened and will be publicly read aloud. If the documents required to be contained in Envelope No. 1 are not in order, Envelope No. 2 "Bid Proposal" will not be opened and the Bid will be considered non-responsive and will be returned to the Bidder. A bidder may not withdraw his bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to Town of Rowlesburg in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the base bid. Contractor is required to provide the Drug Free Workplace Certification in accordance with WV Code 21- 1D-5. All Bidders are required to have a West Virginia Contractor's License per Section 30-42-12 of the West Virginia Code. Bids received after the scheduled closing time for the reception of bids will be returned unopened to the bidders. The Town of Rowlesburg reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Rowlesburg, WV

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