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Published July 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Poy Sippi, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the construction of a 4,241-square-foot municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The project consists of a new 4,241 sqft single story, wood framed building with vinyl siding and shingle roof. The Contractor shall be considered in default of the Contract and such default will be considered as cause for the Owner to terminate the Contract for any of the following reasons if the Contractor: 1. Fails to begin the Work under the Contract within the time specified in the Construction Schedule. 2. Fails to perform the Work or fails to provide sufficient workers, equipment, or materials to assure completion of Work in accordance with the terms of the Contract. 3. Performs the Work unsuitably or neglects or refuses to remove materials or to perform anew such Work as may be rejected unacceptable and unsuitable. 4. Discontinues the prosecution of the Work. 5. Fails to resume Work which has been discontinued within a reasonable time after notice to do so. 6. Becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency. 7. Allows any final judgment to stand against them unsatisfied for a period of 48 hours. 8. Makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors. 9. Is determined to be in violation of the provisions of the Contract relative to hours of labor, wages, equal opportunity, character and classification of works employed 10. For any other cause, fails to carry on acceptable Work.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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July 7, 2022

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N4250 State Road 49, Poy Sippi, WI

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