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Published August 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Watford City, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility; and water / sewer project.

Project: Bakken Area Skills Center Bid Package #1 Mass Grading Along Wolves Den Parkway Watford City, ND 58854 General Information McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 is undertaking the construction of the Bakken Area Skills Center (Career and Technical Education Center) within the City Limits of Watford City, North Dakota. The new school owned facility will be constructed to meet the needs of students and adults within the region. Bid Package #1 includes Site Mass Grading, Testing, Surveying, and Utilities. Construction Engineers is soliciting competitive Lump Sum Bids for the following Contract Categories. 01B - Surveying, 01C - Testing, 31A - Mass Grading, and 33A - Utilities. PlanGrid Subscription The use of PlanGrid will be required on this project. Please visit the PlanGrid website for more information. You are to include the cost of the subscription with your proposal. Bidding Documents Digital project bidding documents will be available for download on Wednesday June 8th, 2022. Email TinaH@ConstructionEngineers.com for instructions on how to download a set of bid documents (include the project name in the subject line). You must provide a monitored email address upon request for bid documents. Contact Construction Engineers at 701-792-3200 if you have any questions. Should a bidder find a discrepancy or require clarification in the bidding documents, the bidder shall submit a request for clarification via email, with the project name in the subject line, to the following individual: LanceM@ConstructionEngineers.com. Verbal clarifications will not be entertained. All requests for clarification must be submitted 72 hours prior to Bid Date. All plan holders will be notified of changes via email. Instructions to Bidders Bids may be faxed in confidence to 701-772-1808, emailed to LanceM@ConstructionEngineers.com, or hand delivered to the aforementioned address. Late bids may be rejected and returned. Bids must be submitted on the Subcontractor Bid Form included with the bidding documents, and must show the total bid for all proposed items. CE reserves the right to request additional information to clarify the Bidder's financial capability, technical experience, and ability to successfully staff the project, and comply with safety and employment requirements. 1. All Bidders must be licensed for the highest amount of their Bids. 2. All Bidders, except a Bidder on municipal, rural, and industrial water supply project authorized for funding under Public Law No. 99-294 (100 Stat. 426; 43 U.S.C. 390a), must be licensed for the full amount of the bid, as required by Section 43-07-05. A copy of the Contractor's License or Certificate of Renewal thereof, issued by the Secretary of State, must be provided with the completed bid form. Refer to Construction Engineers Instructions to Bidders and the Bid Form for additional requirements regarding requirements for Bonds. Bid Opening A public bid opening will take place 30 minutes after the bid date/time at the location stated for bid delivery above. In the weeks following the bid opening, the Construction Manager will hold post bid interviews with qualified bidders. Any contract award shall be based on the amount of the total base plus any alternates the Owner may select and shall be awarded to the lowest, best qualified bidder. Separate contracts will be awarded for each trade specialty. No bid results will be considered final until completion of post bid interviews and bid clarification have been completed. No bidder may withdraw their bid within Thirty (30) days after the actual date of opening thereof. The Construction Manager and the Owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all formalities.




Public - County

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June 29, 2022

August 29, 2022


Wolves Den Parkway, Watford City, ND

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