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Published August 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Arlington, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a communication facility; and fire / police facility.

Arlington County Police Department (ACPD) currently utilizes a Morse Watchmans KeyWatcher system that is nearing the end of its useful life. ACPD is soliciting bids for a provision, installation, and commissioning of a replacement system that will secure, manage and track physical keys and fobs used by the ACPD personnel. Contractor shall supply, install, and configure the System that will meet the following requirements: The System shall have the capability to securely store and issue a minimum of 192 individually trackable key rings/fobs across a number of users, and user groups. Users shall be able to access the keys by using a pin code on a touchLCD panel, or by using fingerprint authentication. The System shall communicate with a Windows computer workstation supplied by ACPD, and able to generate reports tracking the chain of custody by key or by used, and to send e-mail or Text Message Alerts for removals or returns of sensitive keys and alarm conditions. The System shall be installed indoors in place of the existing system, occupying area up to six (6) ft wide and up to 2" deep; it can either be wall-mounted or free standing. ACPD is soliciting bids for a provision, installation, and commissioning of a electronic key management system that will secure, manage and track physical keys and fobs. Basis of Design and equivalents: BOD is KeyWatcher Touch with two (2) 6-module cabinets configured to hold keys only, with fingerprint authentication option, TrueTouch PC Software, and KWTT Server Software or equivalent. All other systems quoted as "equivalent" must be submitted for approval no later that 5 calendar days before the closing of solicitation. Contractor's responsibilities: o Supply the replacement system hardware and software (excluding computer terminal used for generating reports); o Remove and dispose of the existing Keywatcher system; o Install and set up the new hardware and software; o Perform data migration from the existing KeyWatcher database into the new database; o Administer in-person training for the end-users; o Provide ongoing support and licensing for a period of up to 10 years. ACPD Responsibilities will supply the user terminal, and provide technical assistance with network connection of the system to the user terminal. Schedule: System shall be installed within 90 days from the receipt of approved Purchase Order.

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Public - County


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To Be Determined, Arlington, VA

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