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Published November 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Kamloops, British Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Tk'emlups te Secwépemc (TteS) Highway Intersection, Roundabout and Chief Louis Center (CLC) Roads project is located at the intersection of Highway 5 and Shuswap Road. The project is separated into three project areas which each have their own set of drawings and specifications. Set 1 includes municipal (CLC) roads and shall be constructed to MMCD standards and specifications. Set 1 and Set 2 include intersection and roundabout improvements and shall be constructed to MoTI standards and specifications. A breakdown summary of the project areas is as follows: Set 1: Highway Intersection at Highway 5 and Shuswap Road This project area is comprised of improvements to the intersection of Highway 5 and Shuswap Road, which includes (but is not limited to): Earthworks, including 3000 m3 of excavation and off-site disposal; 2900 m2 of pavement removal and 4000 m2 of cold milling; 1530 tonnes of pavement; 580 m of concrete curb, plus miscellaneous concrete works; 1000 m of 50 mm RPVC; Supply and install of 7 traffic poles, 22 detector loops and overhead signage. Set 2: Roundabout at Shuswap Road and Sun Rivers Drive This project area is comprised of construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Shuswap Road and Sun Rivers Drive which includes (but is not limited to): Earthworks, including 2820 m3 of excavation and on-site re-use; 2650 m2 of pavement removal; 1170 tonnes of pavement; 600 m of curb and gutter, plus miscellaneous concrete works; 95 m of storm pipe, plus catch basins, leads and manholes. Set 3: Chief Louis Centre (CLC) Roads The CLC project area includes new road construction, which involves, (but is not limited to): Earthworks, including 7650 m3 of imported fill; 5686 m2 of paved areas for roadworks, plus roadway lighting; 807 m of sidewalk and concrete areas, plus curb and gutter; 128 m of PVC watermain; 226 m of stormwater piping, plus catch basin, leads, manholes and a stormwater outfall to South Thompson River. Optional work for the CLC (Set 3) project area includes (but is not limited to): Earthworks, including 1900 m3 of imported fill; 2060 m2 of paved areas for roadworks, plus roadway lighting; 335 m of sidewalk and concrete areas; 170 m of PVC watermain plus five 200 mm service connections; 179 m of PVC sewer main; 205 m of stormwater piping, plus catch basin, leads, manholes and service connections. Documents can be obtained from https://urbansystems.bidsandtenders.ca/

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Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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BC-5 & Shuswap Rd, Kamloops, BC

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