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Saving Project...

Published July 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The City of Pittsburgh Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, is soliciting bids for one-time project Stanton Ave./McCandless Ave. Stairs. Period of Contract:One-time project. Question Submission Deadline:June 29, 2022, 5:00pm Question Submission Method:All questions are to be submitted via this sites Question & Answer feature. The City reserves the right to request clarification of any bid before bid award. The City of Pittsburgh is committed to the ideal of providing all citizens an equal opportunity to participate in City and its Authorities' contracting opportunities. It is therefore the City's goal to encourage increased participation of women and minority groups in all City contracts. The City requires that all respondents demonstrate good faith efforts to obtain the participation of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE's) and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBEs) in work to be performed under City contracts. The levels of MBE and WBE participation will be monitored by the City of Pittsburghs Equal Opportunity Review Commission (EORC). In order to ensure that there are opportunities for historically disadvantaged minority groups and women to participate on Covered Contracts, and consistent with the City's current equal employment opportunity practice and goals, the EORC will review contracts to include an evaluation of a developer/contractors employment of minority groups and women, encourage goals of eighteen (18) percent and seven (7) percent respectively. The Purchasing Officer may require, after consultation with supervisory personnel, that bids be accompanied by a cashiers check or money order, in an amount not exceeding five (5) percent of the bid, by a bond with corporate surety in an amount not exceeding five (5) percent of the amount bid, or by an irrevocable letter of credit in such form as previously approved by the County issued by a bank or other financial institution duly recognized and authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The successful bidder may be required to furnish a performance and/or payment bond with suitable reasonable requirements guaranteeing performance of the contract, with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of the amount of the contract, within thirty (30) days after the contract has been awarded, unless the Purchasing Officer shall prescribe a shorter period. Upon failure to furnish any required bond within such time, the previous award shall be void and the contract may be awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder meeting the specifications.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Stanton Ave & McCandless Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

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