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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Granite School District is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified vendors to provide new loose furnishings for the new Athletic building at Skyline High School. Photos of products are for REFERENCE only and do not necessarily depict the exact model number, accessories or finishes indication in the specification. Do not use photos in place of specifications Pricing for labor, delivery, and installation should be included with each unit price. The project will be awarded by line item at the District's discretion. *DELIVERY OF FUNISHINGS WILL BEGIN THE WEEK OF JULY 25th, AND BE SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE BY AUGUST 05, 2022. Delivery should be coordinated through Fanning Howey The school district is tax-exempt. When responding, vendor must allow sufficient time to complete the electronic process. The IFB will end precisely at the event close time listed. If you are in the middle of your quote at the closing time, the process will stop and your quote will not be received or considered. Wherever in this document an item is defined by using a trade name of a manufacturer and/or model number, it is intended that the words, "or equivalent" apply. "Or equivalent" means any other brand that is equal in use, quality, economy and performance to the brand listed as determined by the DEPARTMENT. If the contractor lists a trade name and/or catalog number in the bid, the DEPARTMENT will assume the item meets the specifications unless the bid clearly states it is an alternate, and describes specifically how it differs from the item specified. All bids must include complete manufacturer's descriptive literature if bidding an equivalent product. All products are to be of new, unused condition, unless otherwise requested in this solicitation. Question Submission Close Date 6/22/2022 12:00 PM MDT



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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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3251 E 3760 S, Salt Lake City, UT

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