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Published June 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Phoenix, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Required Documents: Offer and Acceptance, Designation of Confidential, Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information, R2-7-103 Confidential Information, Attachment A: Subcontractors and Materials Supply List, Attachment B: Certificate of Corporate Authority, Participation in Boycott of Israel, Contract Payment Terms, Delivery, Completion Time, Licenses. No Pre-Bid Meeting/Onsite Inspection scheduled. The Vendor shall provide a price per ton (orders shall be one belly dump type truck minimum) to deliver specified materials to Department locations in Florence, Bellemont, and Phoenix, Arizona. Price per ton shall inclusive of ALL associated costs. 1.2 Location One: 1.2.1 Florence Training Center 25181 N. Hwy. 79 Florence, Arizona 85232 1.2.2 The material shall be delivered to FTC in belly dump type trucks and dropped at a selected area adjacent to the FTC borrow pit. 1.2.3 The Contractor shall provide Crushed Asphalt (GSA) no larger than 2". 1.2.4 The Contractor shall provide crushed rock between 3/4 " and 1 1/2 ". 1.2.5 The Contractor shall provide sand, AB gravel, and riprap. 1.3 Location Two: 1.3.1 Camp Navajo 1 Hughes Avenue Bellemont, Arizona 86015 1.3.2 The material shall be delivered to CN in belly dump type trucks and dropped at an area selected by Camp Navajo on-site monitor. 1.3.3 The Contractor shall provide Crushed Asphalt (GSA) no larger than 2". 1.3.4 The Contractor shall provide crushed rock between 3/4 " and 1 1/2 ". 1.3.5 The Contractor shall provide crushed rock between 3/4 " and 1 1/2 ". 1.3.6 The Contractor shall provide sand, AB gravel, and riprap. 1.4 Location Three: 1.4.1 Papago Park Military Reservation 5636 E. McDowell Rd Phoenix, Arizona 85008. 1.4.2 The material shall be delivered to PPMR in belly type dump trucks and dropped at an area selected by PPMR on-site monitor. 1.4.3 The Contractor shall provide Crushed Asphalt (GSA) no larger than 2". 1.4.4 The Contractor shall provide crushed rock between 3/4 " and 1 1/2 ". 1.4.5 The Contractor shall provide sand, AB gravel, and riprap. Contract Term: Annual Requirement with Options


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Phoenix, AZ

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