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Published June 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a mixed-use development in Fargo, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the remodel of a office development.

First three pages are left blank. This will allow the page numbers to line up with the solicitation and award once converted to a pdf. All items in red require action by the CO. Once action is completed convert text to black. All items that are highlighted may or may not be required in solicitation. If the item is not required simply remove it. If the action is required remove the highlighted area. Clauses and provisions are required in the solicitation. Provisions are not required in the award, delete all provisions prior to award. After clauses and provisions have been removed that do not apply, go to the TOC and select update table and update pages only. Location: Biosciences Research Laboratory (BRL) 1616 Albrecht Blvd N, Fargo ND 58102 Performance Work Statement: BRL Room S119 is being repurposed as an office workspace. This remodel requires installing three (3) 48" X 24" single pane non-opening windows and trim, then painting office interior and exterior for occupancy. See attached photo which shows location of studs. 2.0 Background: BRL S119 is currently a storage room but offers sufficient space for occupancy as a research office. In order to become an office, windows must be cut into an existing wall. Technical Requirements/Tasks: A. Measure and cut three holes into existing wall to fit 3 48" X 24" windows. B. Windows should be evenly spaced horizontally and consistently 48" from bottom edge to floor. C. Install three (3) single pane 48" X 24" standard commercial grade non-opening windows. D. Provide finishing work to window trim and sills. E. Prepare and paint interior and exterior walls with SW 7006 (Sherwin Williams) paint or equivalent. Travel: Not applicable 7.0 Contractor's Key Personnel: A. Carpenter and installer B. Painter 8.0 Security Requirements: All personnel shall have a U.S. photo ID, such as U.S. Driver's License, or U.S. passport. 9.0 Data Rights: Not Applicable. 10.0 Section 508: Electronic and Information Technology Standards: Not Applicable 11.0 Period of Performance: The performance period for this task is 35 business days.




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1616 Albrecht Blvd, Fargo, ND

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