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Published July 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a retail development in Fargo, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a retail development.

The Department of Transportation is soliciting proposals for an upgrade to our maintenance shop switch gear. The following work needs to be furnished and installed, to include all materials, labor & equipment to complete the following: e Provide temp power to the following items: Traffic control panel, ac unit for traffic controls, overhead door openers and shop lights e Demo existing 800-amp panel feeding maintenance shop wing e Install new 800-amp breaker panel to replace existing fusible main panel e Panel to have a spare 200-, 100-, 60- and 30-amp breakers for future use e Inspection Fees and Taxes included WORK MUST HAVE A COMPLETION DATE OF NOVEMBER 2022. The Procurement Officer is the point of contact for this RFP. Offerors shall direct all communications regarding this RFP to the Procurement Officer. Please do not add the Procurement Officer to any marketing distribution lists PROCUREMENT OFFICER: Troy Gilbertson EMAIL: tgilbert@nd.gov PHONE: 701-239-8904 Deadline for submission of Questions and Objections 6/22/2022 @ 12:00 PM Deadline for receipt of proposals (Solicitation Closing) _ Prior to Contract Signing Notice of intent to award issued approximatel i -- 6/24/2022 Contract start approximately _ 7/01/2022 _ Completion Date November 2022 Offerors should carefully review the RFP including all Attachments. Offerors may ask questions to obtain clarification and request additional information, or object to material in the RFP. Questions and objections must be submitted to the Procurement Officer in writing by the deadline identified in the RFP Schedule. If no deadline is specified, questions or objections must be received at least seven days prior to the Solicitation Closing deadline. The Procurement Officer may elect to respond to questions received after the deadline. Questions and objections should include a reference to the applicable RFP section or subsection. Email is the preferred method of submission with the RFP number and title cited in the email subject line. Responses to questions will be distributed as a solicitation amendment unless the question can be answered by referring the Offeror to a specific section of the RFP. An Offeror is solely responsible for ensuring its proposal is received by the STATE prior to the Solicitation Closing deadline identified in the RFP schedule regardiess of the method of submission. A solicitation amendment will be issued if this deadline is changed. An Offeror may contact the Procurement Officer to inquire whether its proposal has been received. Proposals delivered late will be rejected pursuant to N.D.A.C. 4-12-08-13. This is an informal Request for Proposal (RFP) process that does not require formal sealed proposals or a public opening. A public opening will not be held. The STATE reserves the right to reject any proposals, in whole or in part. Proposals received from suspended or debarred bidders will be rejected. Proposals determined to be nonresponsive to the requirements of the RFP will be rejected. The STATE reserves the right to reject the proposal of an Offeror determined to be not responsible. The STATE reserves the right to refrain from making an award if determined to be in its best interest.




Public - State/Provincial

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 22, 2022

July 1, 2022


3265 45th St S, Fargo, ND

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