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Published July 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Granbury, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The first contract will be to provide available labor and equipment to construct the required electric distribution line extensions and conversions CIP projects depending on availability of funds. Second contract is to provide for necessary maintenance of the City of Granbury Electric Distribution System for the twelve (12) month period following the date of execution of this Contract. The electric distribution line construction to be performed under this Contract will include lateral line additions, extensive line conversions, voltage conversions, switch installations, protective equipment and capacitor installations, pole changeouts, equipment replacement or relocation, etc. The City proposes to include in the scope of work of this Contract the assistance in the reconductor and/or pole replacement of 3 separate maintenance projects (staking sheets are available for each project). Said maintenance projects are to be performed exclusively by the Contractor and all material shall be provided by the City of Granbury. All work on existing overhead lines shall be considered to be performed on energized line unless otherwise specified by the City. See Section IV-C for the definition of units to be paid as "Energized Construction". In addition to the aforementioned specific work assignments enumerated, the City proposes to utilize contract labor furnished hereunder to supplement its crews in the construction of new line additions and existing facilities upgrades on its Electric System. Included in this work scope may be overhead and underground extensions to new customers, line conversions, switch installations, capacitor installations, equipment replacement, etc. Bids are requested herein both on an assembly unit and an hourly unit basis. It is the intent of the City that the construction work to be accomplished under this Contract be performed on an assembly unit basis whenever practical. However, the City realizes that, on occasions, a construction project will arise for which it is difficult to strictly specify construction assembly units, such as might be encountered in the instance of storm damage repair, or special customer requests. In these instances, the City would propose that the construction be performed on the basis of the hourly unit rates for men and equipment quoted herein. The City, however, reserves the sole right to designate hereunder which construction work is to be performed on a unit basis and which construction projects shall be performed on an hourly rate basis. Sections to be constructed under this Contract shall include the 5 maintenance projects discussed above, as well as additional projects specified by the City during the course of the Contract period. Staking sheets for the maintenance projects are being provided with this bid document. The 3 maintenance projects will be used to evaluate bids. The Contractor's unit prices will need to match the unit prices in the maintenance project proposals spreadsheet. The deadline to ask questions is 6/22/2022 12:00 PM CST


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply




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Multiple Locations, Granbury, TX

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