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Published August 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in North Branford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of August 23, 2022, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** Bids for the Lake Gaillard Water Treatment Plant Clarifiers, Recycle Pump Station, and Concrete Restoration Project The project includes replacement of the existing clarifier plates, sludge rakes, motors, covers, flumes, covers, and foot bridges; replacement of the four vertical turbine recycle pumps, motors, and VFDs; improvements to the sludge pumping system including replacement of existing sludge pumps, motors, and VFDs, new piping, valves, and instrumentation; trash pump relocation; structural improvements to the filter basin; associated electrical work; and building repairs. Any contract or contracts awarded under this invitation for bids are expected to be funded in part by a loan from the DWSRF Program. Neither the State of Connecticut nor any of its Departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this invitation for bids or any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to the requirements contained in subsections (h), (j) and (o) of Section 22a-482-4 of the RCSA. Contractor is required to meet all DWSRF requirements/conditions. Contractors submitting a bid for this project shall hold a current Prequalification Certificate in the category of "Water Treatment Plants" from the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS). A copy of the Contractor's DAS Prequalification Certificate and Update (Bid) Statement must be submitted with the bid. Subcontractors whose subcontract exceeds $500,000 may perform installation or construction work as a subcontractor on project, provided that at the time of the bid submission, the Subcontractor shall be prequalified by DAS. This contract will be required to meet Davis-Bacon and state prevailing wage requirements and subcontracting Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) goal conditions (3.0 and 5.0 percent, respectively), per Connecticut Department of Public Health (CTDPH) funding requirements. Bidders shall be aware that this project shall be subject to the requirements of the "Use of American Iron and Steel" (AIS) provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019 enacted as Public Law (P.L.) 116-6 on February 15, 2019. This provision requires iron and steel products used in DWSRF-funded projects to be produced in the United States.AIS requirements can be found at portal For this Pre-Bid meeting, two forms of identification will be required for each person attending. All Bidders shall complete a Confidentiality Agreement and comply with the South Central Regional Water Authority's COVID-19 Prevention Document prior to reviewing or purchasing Bid Documents and/or attending the Pre-Bid meeting. Bidders may now register on our portal Neither the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority nor Tighe & Bond will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. In order to perform public work, the Bidder and Subcontractors prior to award of contract shall hold or obtain such licenses as required by Connecticut State Statutes, and federal and local Laws and Regulations. The attention of bidders is called to the requirements of non-discrimination in employment practices, conditions of employment, and minimum wage rates to be paid. The South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority will not knowingly conduct business with providers of goods or services that are known to discriminate. The South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority encourages responses to its purchasing needs from women-owned and minority-owned business enterprises. For information concerning the proposed Work, contact Orville Kelly of South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority at 203-401-6712 or Jennifer Reynolds of Tighe & Bond at 413-875-1606. The South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids pursuant to Section 16 of Connecticut Special Act No. 77-98, as amende

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Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial





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765 Foxon Rd, North Branford, CT

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