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Published July 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

New construction of an office development in Sarona, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the construction of a 5,175-square-foot office development.

Scope: 5,175 SF new wood frame office and shower house Estimate of construction cost is $1,550,000. Work will include the following elements: 1. Substructure: Concrete foundation walls, concrete footings, concrete slab-on-grade and basement construction. 2. Shell: a. Floor Construction: CIP Concrete slab and Wood open-web joists bearing on walls and steel beams. b. Roof Construction: Plate connected wood trusses and wood beams and decking bearing on walls. c. Exterior Walls: Wood stud with cementitious lap siding. d. Exterior Windows: Fiberglas frames with insulating glass. e. Exterior Doors: steel doors and frames and wood doors and frames. f. Roofing: Manufactured shingles. 3. Interiors: a. Partitions: Wood stud with gypsum board. b. Interior Doors: Wood frames with wood particleboard core and steel doors. c. Fittings: plastic toilet compartments, signage, and toilet accessories. d. Stair Construction: Wood site-fabricated. e. Finishes: Paint, hard tile, wood trim, resilient tile, carpet tile, and acoustical ceilings. 4. Services: a. Plumbing: Plumbing fixtures, domestic water distribution, sanitary waste, storm water drainage, and gas piping. b. HVAC: Gas (propane) furnaces including air distribution system and hydronic distribution. 1) Refrigeration: Compressors and condensers. 2) Controls: Electronic. c. Electrical: Transformers, Switchboards, Panelboards, Circuit breakers, and Lighting with branch wiring. 5. Equipment: Fixed casework and Window treatments. 6. Demolition: Selective demolition for building and site alterations. 7. Sitework: Preparation, excavating, grading, backfilling, landscaping, and erosion control.

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N2384 Hunt Hill Rd, Sarona, WI

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