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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

A cashier's check, certified check, irrevocable letter of credit, or surety bond payable to the OKLAHOMA CITY AIRPORT TRUST in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid shall accompany the bid of each Bidder. Bid Security will be returned to unsuccessful Bidders. The Bidder shall forfeit its bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid amount for failure to deliver to the Airport Trust a properly executed agreement, bonds, and certificate(s) of insurance within ten (10) days of written notification of the Award of Contract to Bidder. As of April 16, 2024, the bid date has been extended from April 24, 2024 to May 1, 2024, per addendum 1. Bid Security: Furnish with the Bid as required in Bidding Documents. Performance Bond. Statutory Bond. Maintenance Bond. Defect Bond (when required). A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contract goal of 2.9% has been established for this project. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Goals for minority participation for each trade: 10.2% Goals for female participation in each trade 6.9% The Oklahoma City Airport Trust reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities. As per the Plans and Project Manual and any approved Amendment or Change Order thereto. 1. MEANING AND INTENT OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS It is the intent of these plans and specifications to prescribe a complete work or improvement, which the Contractor undertakes to do in full compliance with the plans, specifications, special provisions, proposaland contract. The Contractor shall do all work as provided in the plans, special provisions, specifications, proposal and contract, and shall do such additional, extra and incidental work as may be considered necessary to complete the work in a satisfactory and acceptable manner. He shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to the prosecution of the work, unless otherwise specified. The mechanical and electrical drawings when applicable to the project, are diagrammatical. Anything shown on the architectural drawings and not shown on the mechanical or electrical drawings, or shown on the mechanical or electrical drawings and not shown on the architectural drawings, shall be interpreted as being shown on all three. The Contractor shall examine all drawings prior to bidding, and shall require his various subcontractors and materials suppliers to provide items of work shown on any of the plans and to provide necessary utility connections. The Architect-Engineer shall decide the meaning and intent of any portion of the specifications, and of any plans or drawings where same may be found obscure or be in dispute. It is the intent that this be a complete project as far as the Contract Documents (contract, drawings and specifications) set forth. It is not the intent that different phases of the work on this project be delegated to various trades and subcontractors by the Contract Documents. The Contractor must make his own contracts with the various subcontractors, setting forth the work these subcontractors will be held responsible for. The Contractor, alone, will be held responsible by Architect-Engineer and Trust for the complete project. Where the words "furnish", "provide", and/or "install" are used, in addition to the definitions included in Section 1, it shall also be interpreted to mean that the Contractor is responsible for furnishing, providing and installing, ready for successful and continuous use, all items of work, whether by his own men or his subcontractors and suppliers. The words "Contractor shall" in most instances have been omitted and simple directive statements have been made. These omitted words shall be supplied by inference. Omission of these words shall not release the Contractor from any work called for on this project. The Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, operations or methods listed, mentioned or scheduled, either on the drawings or in the specifications, or both, including all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary and required for completion. 2. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Should any work or any conditions which are not thoroughly or satisfactorily stipulated or covered by the general or standard specifications be anticipated on any proposed work, "Special Provisions" for such work shall be prepared and shall be considered as a part of the specifications and contract. 3. INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES OF WORK The Trust reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvement at any time when and as found necessary and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased, at the contract unit prices. No allowance will be made for any change in anticipated profits, nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any condition or provision of the contract. This provision shall not be construed as to permit the Contractor to perform additional work . 4. ALTERATIONS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Trust reserves the right to make such changes in the plans and in the character of the work as may be necessary or desirable to insure completion of the work in the most satisfactory manner, provided such changes do not materially alter the original plans and specifications or change the general nature of the work as a whole. Such changes shall not be considered as waiving or invalidating any condition or provision of the contract. 5. EXTRA WORK OR ALTERATION OF WORK The Trust reserves the right to make changes in the Contract Documents for Extra Work, or the character of the Work as may be necessary to insure completion of the Project in the most satisfactory and desirable manner. The Trust reserves the right to alter the quantities of Work to be performed or the time for the Project completion. No such alterations shall waive or invalidate any condition or provision of the Contract Documents. Payment for extra work will be made as hereinafter provided. The Contract Documents may be changed only by a written Amendment and/or Change Order issued by the Architect/Engineer and approved by the Trust. A. Amendments are changes to the Contract Documents that are based on Unit Bid Prices which were provided in the Item Response Form. Amendments shall be binding when approved by the Trust. Amendments may increase or decrease the Units in any amount and may adjust the contract time. B. Change Orders are changes to the Contract Documents when a Lump Sum price was provided with the Bidding Documents or when a Unit Price has not been established for a particular item or items of Work. A Change Order may authorize an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work, authorize an adjustment of the Contract Price, or adjust the contract time. The cumulative amount of Change Orders shall not exceed the Contract cost limits set in the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act, Section 121. Change Orders shall be binding when approved by the Trust. Change Orders shall be prepared by the Architect/Engineer with the assistance of the successful Bidder and shall include the following: i. Complete detail and scope of the Work contemplated. ii. Estimated cost of the Work as contemplated by the Change Order. iii. Complete justification. iv. Any time impact to the Work caused by the Change Order. v. Statement as to whether the prices shown are Contract Bid prices or agreed prices. vi. Statement signed by the Contractor that he is willing to perform the Work at the prices in the Amendment or Change Order. Where an actual emergency exists, wherein the delay caused by submitting the Amendment or Change Order to the Trust for approval would jeopardize the interest of the Trust or the public, the Director of Airports may approve the Amendment or Change Order in writing. However, Amendments or Change Orders approved by the Director of Airports shall be submitted to the Trust for consideration as soon as practical. 6. FINAL CLEANING UP Upon completion of the work, and before acceptance and final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clean and remove from the site of the work surplus and discarded materials, temporary structures, and debris of any kind. He shall leave the site of the work in a neat and orderly condition. Waste materials removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of at locations satisfactory to the Architect-Engineer. Contract Documents 1.4.1.a The Contract Documents include (but are not limited to) the baggage handling system drawings, architectural drawings, communications/network drawings, fire protection system drawings, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) drawings, structural drawings, program phasing plans, contract provisions, special provisions, Specifications, addendum, RFIs, general project correspondence and formally issues Change Orders from the Owner, if any. The Contract Documents define the Scope of Works of this project. The Scope of Works for this Contract covers the design, supply, installation, test, commissioning and start-up of a complete operating and maintainable Baggage Handling System (BHS) as part of the Baggage Claim Unit Replacement project at Will Rodgers Airport in the State of Oklahoma. The Scope of Works include the removal of existing Claim Device (E) CD2-CD6 as per Contract DEMO Drawing series. The Scope of Works shall include the cost of relocating existing equipment, piping, ductwork, and conduit to allow for installation of the new Works. work consists of the performance of construction preparatory operations, including the movement of personnel and equipment to the project site and for the establishment of the Contractor's offices, buildings and other facilities necessary to begin work on a substantial phase of the Contract. Copies of addenda will be made available for inspection through the Electronic Bidding Process. . Copies of the Oklahoma City Airport Trust Claim Voucher may be obtained from this manual or the Department of Airports. The Contractor shall be supplied with five hard copies or an electronic PDF of the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall have available on the construction site at all times one hardcopy each of the plans and specifications. Additional hard copies of plans and specifications may be obtained by the Contractor for the cost of reproduction. The Contractor shall provide copies of all subcontracts to the RPR 14 days prior to being utilized on the project. Bid Documents are ONLY Available via Electronic Bidding Process. If attachments to the Bid Documents are required by this section, attachments may be uploaded through the Electronic Bidding Process. For assistance in completing the electronic process, please contact Periscope via e-mail at source-support@periscopeholdings.com or telephone at 800-990-9339. The Contractor may submit monthly invoices electronically to okcatap@okc.gov, the Department of Airports, Finance Division, on the Oklahoma City Airport Trust Claim Voucher in addition to their itemized invoices and affidavits. Copies of the Oklahoma City Airport Trust Claim Voucher may be obtained from this manual or the Department of Airports


Transportation Terminals


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May 1, 2024

July 1, 2024


7100 Terminal Dr, Oklahoma City, OK

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