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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in North Bend, Washington. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.
City of North Bend Bendigo Blvd (SR 202) and Mt Si Blvd Roundabout Qualifications Due: July 21 Request for Qualifications Professional Services for the Bendigo Blvd (S1R202) and Mt Si Blvd Roundabout Project The City of North Bend, WA, is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified consulting firms (CONSULTANT) to provide Civil Engineering services to include environmental planning and per-mitting, surveying, utility coor-dination, right-of-way services, plans, specifications, and estimate development for an improvement project called the Bendigo Blvd (SR 202) and Mt Si Blvd Roundabout Project (PROJECT). The Fedoral Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations will need to be met per the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual, The design of the project is fund-ed with a combination of a fed-eral Statewide Transportation. Improvement Program (STIP) funds in the amount of $1,380,610 and $215,471 of local funds. Project Description The PROJECT involves design and construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Bendigo Blvd (SR 202) and Mt Si Blvd, in the City of North Bend, The PROJECT will include construct-ing sidewalks and bike lanes at the intersection with new curb, gutter, ADA ramps, pavement markings, striping, illumination, storm drainage modifications, medians, a center island, truck aprons and other features nec-essary for implementation of the PROJECT. On behalf of the City of North. Bend, the work to be performed by the CONSULTANT consists of preparing civil engineering drawings/designs, environmental permitting/documentation, asso-ciated surveying, necessary geo-technical investigation/reporting, utility coordination, pavement design, landscape design, public involvement, right-of-way servic-es and WSDOT coordination as needed for the PROJECT. The City may elect to enter into a con-tract amendment with the selected CONSULTANT at a later date to assist with construction manage-ment, administration and inspec-tion duties during construction. Schedule The expected schedule is as f61-. lows: Consultant EFQ Advertisement June 2022 Statement of Qualifications Due July 21, 2022 liorisulta_rit Interviews (if nec-essary) Late July/Early August 2022 Consultant Selection August 2022 Council Award and Notice to Proceed. September 2022 Design Submittals September 2022 --- December 2023 Advertisement and Bidding (tentative) Spring 2024 Construction Start (tentative) Spring 2024 Construction Completion (ten-tative) December 2024 MWBE/DBE Goals The DBE goal has been set at 19% for this phase of the work. Scope of Services The detailed scope of services will be negotiated upon selection. of a CONSULTANT. The respondent is wholly responsible for ensuring the submittal arrives on time. The City will make no exceptions for submittals that are received late or in an incompatible electronic format7 Please direct all questions to the staff member below: City of North Bend ATTN: Tom Mohr 920 SE Cedar Falls Way North Bend, WA 98045 phone: 425.888.7653 e-mail: tmohr@northbendwa. gov Statement of Qualifications Submittal Requirements (Minimum) The SOQ should be submitted and organized in a manner that will convey pertinent information. The length of the SOQ shall not exceed twenty (20) pages (dou-ble sided is ok), excluding title page and resumes. The SOQ should be formatted in the follow-. ing basic order: 1. Title Page 2. Letter of Transmittal 3. Project Understanding 4. Project Approach. a. A detailed explanation of the consultant's approach and meth-ods to complete this project b. Detailed schedule including ability to meet it. c. Quality control practices d, Approach to WBE and DBE participation 5. Qualifications a. Knowledge of City of North Bend b. Relevant project examples of the prime consultant and sub-consultants including references for each project to include contact name, phone, and email c., Firm experience with WSDOT LAG Manual and with WSDOT PS&E procedures 6. Project Team a. Organizational chart with team member responsibilities b. :Description of the key team members including subconsul-tants c. Resumes Selection Process This is a Qualifications Based Selection Request. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based CM the following minimum con-tent and factors deemed to be in the best interest of the City The City will evaluate proposals by a Selection Committee composed of City of North Bend appointed staff. Members of the Selection Committee will independently rate the proposals based on the following criteria; 1. Project Understanding -- 20 pts 2. Project. Approach -- 25 pts a. A detailed explanation of the consultant's approach and meth- ods to complete this project 15 pts b, Detailed schedule including ability to meet it -- 5 pt.s c. Quality control practices --- 5 pts 3, Approach to MWBE and DBE participation -- 10 pts 4, Qualifications 25 pts a. Firm Experience in North Bend --- 10 pts b. Relevant project examples of the prime consultant a. mid subcon-sultants -- 10 pt.s c. Firm experience with WSDOT LAG Manual and PS&E procedures --- 5 pts 5. Project Team -- 15 pt.s 6, Other factors deemed, to be in the best interests of the City -- 5 pts After each member of the Selection Committee has com-pleted the rating of the propos-als, a combined rating sheet will he formed using the Committee's individual ratings. The Committee will identify the top consultant or the top three ranked consultants will be interviewed if the com-bined ratings do not indicate a top candidate. City staff will then request a cost proposal and endeavor to negotiate a contract with the suc-cessful firm, In the event a mutu-ally agreeable contract. cannot be negotiated with said firm, the staff will then. enter into contract negotiations with the next high-est ranked firm, and so on until a mutually agreeable contract. can be negotiated, Once negotia-tions cease with one consultant and negotiations commence with another, no further discussion will occur with the unsuccessful con-sultant, The Selection Committee will select and/or recommend to the City Council one (1) firm to pro-vide the City with the services required in the RAN, based on qualifications, Their selection shall be based on the above cri-teria including' any additional required submittals, references, and any interviews (if applica-ble). The City reserves the right to waive as informality any irregu-larities in SOQs and/or to reject any or all submissions, Administrative Information The City of North Bend strong-ly encourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises, and small businesses to respond to this The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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July 21, 2023
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