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Published June 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SaskEnergy is seeking proposals for complete Janitorial Services at SaskEnergy Customer Service Center, 408 - 36th Street East, Saskatoon Saskatchewan. This Request for Supplier Qualifications will be used to develop a qualified list of interested Janitorial Services Providers that will be invited to participate in the upcoming Request for Proposal SaskEnergy is seeking proposals for daily Janitorial Services at SaskEnergy Customer Service Center, 408 - 36th Street East, Saskatoon Saskatchewan. The following is a general outline of services, but is not limited to: 1. Nightly services include but are not limited to; clean entryway, lobby and entrance mats, mop all flooring, gather wastepaper and remove trash from property, change garbage bins, wipe counters, dust computers terminals and clean screens, wipe walls, vacuum carpets, clean kitchen/lunchrooms including around garbage and recycle containers and maintain patio area. 2. Weekly services include but are not limited to; damp wipe counters, file cabinets, window ledges and other office furniture (Not including desks), scrub, spray and buff hard surface floors, dust baseboards, sweep/mop/dust boiler rooms, wash/sanitize all tables and chairs in cafeteria, damp mop all chair mats, and empty ashtrays/cigarette cannisters. Electrical/mechanical and telephone rooms to be swept. 3. Monthly services include but are not limited to; wash/sanitize all waste bins, vacuum air grilles and window coverings, dust wall hangings, silk plants, tops of doors, vacuum upholstered furniture and partitions, and wash/scrub all baseboards, electrical/mechanical and telephone rooms to be mopped. 4. Periodical services include but not limited to; shampoo all carpets twice a year (April and October), Strip, scrub and refinish all tile/vinyl flooring four times a year (March, June, September, and December), apply additional coats of high-quality floor finish whenever necessary to maintain high standard of appearance of all tile/vinyl floors, clean window interiors four times a year (April, June, August and October), clean window exteriors monthly (April to October). Spot clean as required, and wash all furniture, once per year. 5. Washroom daily service includes, but not limited to: Removing gum and foreign residue, sweep/mop floors, wash toilets, clean water taps/door handles/dispensers/door plates/flush valves and outside of garbage bins, clean tanks, ledges, vanities, mirrors and exposed piping, spot clean walls, partitions and doors, empty, disinfect and replace sani-cans, empty garbage cans, and replenish soap, toilet paper and paper towel dispensers. 6. Washroom & Shower weekly service includes but not limited to; washing partitions, partition doors and ceramic walls, descale around sink taps, towel dispensers, toilet bowls and urinals, wash plumbing pipes, vents, baseboards and floor edging, pour water in drains, deep scrub/sanitize/disinfect all showers and washroom floors. 7. The total floor area covered by this contract is approximately 29,000 square feet which includes the complete building interior with the exception of the shop area. 8. The Contractor is required to provide a high standard of cleaning for the area under his/her care, with an end result that conforms to a high standard of cleanliness and sanitation. The Contractor will conduct operations after regular working hours so to not interfere with users and occupants of the building. All equipment and supplies, unless otherwise arranged, required for this operation will be provided by The Contractor. Estimated Project value: $20,000 annually Estimated contract award: July 2022 Mandatory Requirements: 1. There will be a mandatory site visit at 408-36th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The date and time are yet to be determined and will be included in the RFP documents. Proponents that do not attend the site visit will not be allowed to submit a proposal. 2. SaskEnergy may, in its sole discretion, reject the proposal if the proponent, or any member of the proponent, is currently engaged in a dispute with SaskEnergy involving mediation, arbitration or litigation. 3. Successful proponent (company that is awarded a contract) must have previous experience as selfperforming janitorial services of a similar scope. 4. Successful proponent (company that is awarded a contract) must self-perform the work. 5. Proponent must provide previous experience in the last five years completing janitorial services similar to this project scope. Proponents to complete Service Summary Form (see attached) for each previous work referenced that you were the Prime Contractor self-performing the work. You must provide a minimum of three (3) forms of similar size, dollar value and scope of work. If the service summary form is not filled out in full (all applicable cells), you may not be considered. Companies that do not provide sufficient information and do not complete the attached Service Summary Form in full (for three projects) for SaskEnergy to confirm the above mandatories are met (at SaskEnergy's sole discretion) - will not be further evaluated. Provide details of the above for SaskEnergy to review and approve these mandatories are met. Estimated Project value: $20,000 annually Estimated contract award: July 2022 Mandatory Requirements: 1. There will be a mandatory site visit at 408-36 th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The date and time are yet to be determined and will be included in the RFP documents. Proponents that do not attend the site visit will not be allowed to submit a proposal. 2. SaskEnergy may, in its sole discretion, reject the proposal if the proponent, or any member of the proponent, is currently engaged in a dispute with SaskEnergy involving mediation, arbitration or litigation. 3. Successful proponent (company that is awarded a contract) must have previous experience as selfperforming janitorial services of a similar scope. 4. Successful proponent (company that is awarded a contract) must self-perform the work. 5. Proponent must provide previous experience in the last five years completing janitorial services similar to this project scope. Proponents to complete Service Summary Form (see attached) for each previous work referenced that you were the Prime Contractor self-performing the work. You must provide a minimum of three (3) forms of similar size, dollar value and scope of work. If the service summary form is not filled out in full (all applicable cells), you may not be considered. Companies that do not provide sufficient information and do not complete the attached Service Summary Form in full (for three projects) for SaskEnergy to confirm the above mandatories are met (at SaskEnergy's sole discretion) - will not be further evaluated.


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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408 36 St E, Saskatoon, SK

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