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Published November 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Watertown, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE ONLY. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL, REQUEST FOR QUOTATION, OR INVITATION FOR BIDS. THE NOTICE DOES NOT COMMIT THE GOVERNMENT TO ISSUE ANY TYPE OF SOLICITATION OR AWARD AN ULTIMATE CONTRACT. THERE WILL NOT BE A SOLICITATION, SPECIFICATIONS, OR DRAWINGS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. THE NOTICE DOES NOT RESTRICT THE GOVERNMENT FROM A PARTICULAR ACQUISITION APPROACH. AS A RESULT OF THIS NOTICE, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT OBLIGATED TO AND WILL NOT PAY FOR ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED FROM POTENTIAL SOURCES. The Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Mid-Atlantic is seeking eligible Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, HUBZone Small Businesses, and Economically Disabled Women-Owned Small Businesses/Women-Owned Small Businesses. They must be capable of performing services for an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for Multi-Discipline Architect and Engineer services for facilities primarily at Naval Submarine Base (NAVSUBASE) New London, Connecticut, and Naval Station (NAVSTA) Newport, Rhode Island Area of Responsibility (AOR). However, work may be ordered throughout the entire Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command if deemed necessary and approved by the NAVFAC mid-Atlantic Chief of the Contracting Office. The intention of the potential solicitation is to obtain Engineering and Design Services as required for construction, repair, replacement, demolition, alteration, and improvements, for Special Projects and Military Construction (MILCON) Projects. These services will be procured in accordance with 40 United States Code (USC) Chapter 11, Selection of Architects and Engineers, as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 36.6. The IDIQ contract will be for a five-year ordering period. Most projects will be new, repair, replacement, upgrade, maintenance, energy savings and sustainability projects covering the full range of the field of engineering for a wide variety of new and existing facilities and systems, utilities and infrastructure. Projects may include multiple disciplines or single disciplines, including general building renovation work; development of Design-Bid-Build (DBB) packages; and development of Design-Build (DB) request for proposal packages. The Multi-Discipline Architect and Engineering Services expected under this contract include, but are not limited to the following: Planning Services, including those associated with the development of project programming document (DD 1391), facility evaluations/site investigations, and cost estimation. Facility planning services, including: Project programming and scope development Conceptual pricing development Development of Alternatives including Economic Analysis Interior Space Planning/Design Collateral Equipment Inventories Facility analysis, including: General condition assessment including code compliance Energy utilization studies Life safety analysis Exterior and interior hazardous material surveys and analysis Site investigation services, including: Geotechnical investigation in support of foundation design recommendations Utility location/identification Site access studies Site topographic studies, including flood zones and fetch analysis Environmental soil sampling and analysis Traffic analysis Design Services, including development of design-build RFP packages or contract documents for design-bid-build full design for new construction and renovations of facilities, including, but not limited to: Multi-unit housing facilities Administrative facilities Training facilities, such as operational, maintenance, or classroom Industrial facilities, such as maintenance shops, manufacturing, public works shops, or warehouses Facilities that require phased construction due to operational requirements Construction Services, including submittal reviews, field consultation, and Operation and Maintenance Support Information (OMSI). Contractor submittal reviews Field consultation and inspections Obtaining permits and regulatory approvals The duration of the contract will be for twelve (12) months from the date of contract award with four (4) 12-month option periods. The total five-year (base and four 12-month options). The total five-year (base and four 12-month options) estimated construction cost for all contracts will not exceed $45,000,000 for the life of the contract. All Small Businesses, certified 8(a), HUBZone, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, and Women-Owned Small Businesses are encouraged to respond. Upon review of industry response to the Sources Sought Synopsis, the Government will determine whether a set-aside acquisition in lieu of full and open competition is in the Government's best interest. This office anticipates award of a contract for these services around September 2023. The primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code for this procurement is 541330 - Engineering Services and the annual size standard is $16,500,000. THIS SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. This notice is a market research tool used to determine the availability and adequacy of potential small business sources prior to determining the method of acquisition and issuance of an award. The Government is not obligated to and will not pay for any information received from potential sources as a result of this Sources Sought Notice. It is requested that interested small businesses submit to the Contracting Office a brief capabilities statement package (no more than 25 pages in length, single-spaced, 12-point font minimum including document searchable bookmarks) demonstrating your ability to perform the requested services. Please use the attached Project Information Form for each project submitted demonstrating the requisite experience. The Sources Sought Project Information Form shall be used to document a minimum of three (3) and up to a maximum of five (5) relevant design projects completed in the past five (5) years that best demonstrate your experience on projects that are similar in size, scope and complexity to the projects proposed for this IDIQ. This documentation shall address, at a minimum, the following: 1. Relevant Experience: Relevant Experience to include MILCON design experience and design experience in performing efforts of similar scope and complexity within the last five years, including contract number, indication of whether a prime or subcontractor, contract value, Government/Agency point of contact and current telephone number, and a brief description of how the contract referenced relates to the technical services described herein. The design projects submitted to demonstrate relevant experience shall include the following attributes: A) Size: Design of a construction project with a final construction cost of $500,000 or greater. At least one (1) project must have a final construction cost of $7,500,000 or greater. B) Scope/Complexity: Projects, cumulatively and collectively, shall demonstrate design experience with the following: -New construction of a building(s). -Interior/exterior alteration or renovation of a building(s) that include repairs to multiple building systems and infrastructures. C) Characteristics: Additionally, submitted relevant projects shall demonstrate the following characteristics: 1) Offerors shall have acted as the Designer of Record (DOR) on submitted projects. 2) Experience with design of both new construction (at least one (1) project) and renovation (at least one (1) project). 3) Experience with the preparation of a solicitation package for design-build request for proposal (at least one (1) project). 4) Experience with the preparation of a solicitation package for design-bid-build/full design (at least one (1) project). Offeror's experience performing as a subcontractor will not be considered, nor will experience of companies proposed to work as subcontractors on the resulting solicitation/contract. Ensure that the project description clearly identifies whether or not the project is new construction or renovation, provides the final construction cost, and addresses how the project meets the scope/complexity requirements. 2. Workload and Availability: The ability of potential offerors to manage their firm's present workload and availability of their project teams (including consultants) for the specified contract performance period. Potential offerors are requested to describe the workload/availability of their key personnel during the anticipated contract performance period and the ability of their firm to provide qualified backup staffing for key personnel to ensure continuity of services. General statements of availability/capacity may be considered less favorably. Typical task orders issued under this contract are expected to range between $250,000 and $2,000,000. Project programs typically supporting this contract are Special Projects and Military Construction Programs. Firms must comply with FAR 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting. A company profile shall also be included utilizing the attached Contractor Information Form. This will include the number of employees, office locations(s), UEI, CAGE Code, and statement regarding small business designation and status. The information provided in this notice is subject to change and in no way binds the Government to solicit for or award a contract. The Government will not provide debriefs on the results of this research, but feedback regarding the decision to set aside or not set aside the procurement will be accomplished via pre-solicitation synopsis or solicitation for these services as applicable. All information submitted will be held in a confidential manner and will only be used for the purpose intended. Points of contact listed may be contacted for the purpose of verifying performance. RESPONSES ARE DUE NLT 1 July 2022 at 2:00 PM (EST). LATE SUBMISSIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED. The package shall be sent via electronic mail to Catharine Keeling at Catharine.a.keeling.civ@us.navy.mil. Attachments are limited to a total of 5MB. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 29, 2023


Multiple Locations, Watertown, CT

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