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Published June 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Athens, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Introduction: The Athens Area School District issues this Request for Proposal from architectural / engineering / financial /educational and other qualified consultants to conduct a two-part feasibility study. Part 1. Complete a comprehensive facility study of existing Athens Area School District facilities , including a building condition survey, space utilization analysis, educational space planning, within the Athens Area School district Part 2. An in-depth review, analysis, and full recommendations, including all options, on the viability of a school merger between the Athens Area School District and the Sayre Area School District. The goal of requesting this feasibility study is to properly plan for students' present and future educational spacing needs. The District also needs to be responsive to our community and fiscally responsible to the taxpayers. It should thoroughly investigate all options for space, both internal and jointly with the Sayre Area School districts as we look to plan for our future needs. The paramount focus should be providing our students with the most enhanced learning experience with the least amount of tax burden to our community. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason as it deems fit. The District reserves the right to negotiate further with one or more proposers. Respondent shall be expected to furnish the District with additional information as may reasonably be required. The District will not be liable for any costs incurred in the preparation of proposals or attendance at an on-site visit. Name of Agency Submitting this Proposal Address Contact Person Telephone Number Email GENERAL APPROACH Consultants are encouraged to obtain answers to any questions regarding the District prior to submission of the proposal for Feasibility Study. All questions must be submitted in writing to Craig Stage at cstage@athensasd.org . The consultant (neutral third party) is engaged to conduct a Feasibility Study in concert with the School Board and District Superintendent. Please delineate the specifics on how you would conduct the study; identify participants; identify ideologies. Requests by School Board Members regarding their specific interests, concerns and priorities will be solicited and incorporated into the final study. ISSUES TO BE STUDIED AND PRESENTED TO BOARDS AND PUBLIC PART 1 Facility inspection of all current school buildings. Including all mechanicals Gather data on current space utilization, enrollment trends, and curricular goals Based on feedback from the District team, develop option(s) and associated planning and implementation plans for appropriate space utilization. PART 2 Governance, including redistricting of Board seats Finance, including Millage Rate impacts on both communities, including a 10-year projection Personnel and Employee Contracts Pupil Enrollment projections Facilities Transportation Instructional Programs for Children Locally Developed Assurances/Guidelines Other Areas of Concern as Identified by the communities GENERAL AGREEMENT Consultant Will: Conduct meetings with the Superintendent and or board members Maintain regular contact with Superintendent and business administrator Conduct organizational meetings with the district team Advise and assist District with Media and Superintendent communications Produce and Communicate Final Report to Superintendent and board Make a recommendation consistent with the study agreement Present public information sessions at the beginning and end of the study District Will: Provide availability of District staff needed to complete study Make available District records required to complete the study Provide meeting space where required Provide printing and distribution of the final report ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Submissions are limited to 20 pages, including a cover letter. Please include references, qualifications, and biographies. We are especially interested in similar reorganization studies. Please indicate fees, including: Professional Service Fees Estimated Reimbursable The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.



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Multiple Locations, Athens, PA

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