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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a transportation facility in Zionsville, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

Work for this project is packaged into: ONE (1) CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PACKAGE (PLANS AND SPECIFCATIONS). This includes one plan set (Extend Runway 18-36 REBID) and two specification volumes (Specifications and Bid Proposal Packet). The scope of work of the Base Bid and Alternate Bid includes all work required to extend Runway 18-36 and open the new runway to 7,000 ft. This includes but is not limited to asphalt and concrete paving with subbase and subgrade work, underdrain installation, marking (temporary and permanent), electrical work (e.g., airfield edge lighting, airfield signage, new PAPI and wind cone, and glideslope relocation with partial replacement), and miscellaneous items such as maintenance of traffic, seeding, erosion control, etc.). The Base Bid and Alternate Bid pricing is based on all construction work starting and being completed in 2023. The Alternate Bid #1 pricing is based on the new runway and taxiway pavement in concrete only. The Alternate Bid #2 pricing is based on the new runway pavement work only (no taxiway work). There are no additive bids Contractors may bid the Base and/or Alternate #1 with the Alternate #2 Paving, Marking, and Electrical work. However, Contractors not bidding all of these components (Base or Alternate #1 plus the Alternate #2) may be considered non-responsive and excluded from award. Only one Contractor will be awarded the work based on the lowest, responsive and responsible bid received that aligns with available funding. The Owner reserves the right to select the base or alternate bids based on cost and available funding. As a federally funded project over $250,000, the project is subject to the DBE requirements set forth in 49 CFR Part 26, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. This federal requirement states that either as a part of the bid, or prior to execution of the contract, the apparent low bidder must provide documentation that the DBE Plan goal for the Sponsor will be met or that adequate good faith efforts were made in the event the goal is not attainable. Prior to execution of the contract, the attached DBE Goal Achievement Letter of Intent shall be completed and submitted to the Sponsor or a DBE Achievement Waiver needs to be submitted to the Sponsor for approval. If the apparent low bidder fails to provide the appropriate DBE Goal Achievement documentation, the bid will be considered non-responsive and the next lowest bidder will be afforded the chance to obtain the contract. The DBE Plan goal for work on the project is 18.5%. A certified check or bank draft payable to the Hamilton County Airport Authority, Noblesville, Indiana, or a satisfactory bid bond, executed by the Bidder and an approved surety company in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the bid, shall be submitted with each bid. (1) The Bidder (Proposer) must supply all the information required by the bid on proposal forms. (2) The bids shall be based upon rates of wages at least as high as the minimum rates established by the wage rate determination and included in these contract documents No Bidder may withdraw its bid after the bid has been opened. The Hamilton County Airport Authority, Noblesville, Indiana, reserves the right to waive any informality in bidding and to reject any and all bids.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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11329 IN-32, Zionsville, IN

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